Edge of Sanity - best to worst

NAD said:
I know a lot of people say Swano is their favorite death metal vocalist, but I think he's a much better songwriter and drummer (the first Bloodbath CD he's incredible behind the kit!).
I don't have anything previous to Afterglow - I'd be interested to know whether Swano was a better growler in his heyday.

I was excited for Peter Tagtgren to sing on Crimson II as well as lots of clean vocals too, but neither happened.
Exactly. Too many rumours spread too quickly.

One thing I do really like is the last few seconds of Crimson II, the way it has that creepy keyboard crescendo as if saying "the end...?" Although I wouldn't really want to see a part III.
Ugh - I thought that bit was really cheesy. Would have been better if they spread those creepy moments around the entire album a bit more, just to give it that same kind of atmosphere that Crimson I had.
Oh admit it, you just don't like those proggy keyboards that are way overdo-- I mean, uh... prevalent on Crimson II. :grin:

I'll be picking up some older Edge of Sanity soon, I think Josh has all that old stuff though, he's rarely on the forum anymore though.
NAD said:
Oh admit it, you just don't like those proggy keyboards that are way overdo-- I mean, uh... prevalent on Crimson II. :grin:
You know, in truth, I much prefer Crimson II to Moontower. Have you heard Moontower yet btw?

I'll be picking up some older Edge of Sanity soon, I think Josh has all that old stuff though, he's rarely on the forum anymore though.
Yeah, he's a screaming bender.
Still haven't picked up Moontower, I will eventually though. Ah yes:

1) Crimson
1.0001) Purgatory Afterglow
3) Crimson II
I recommend getting The Spectral Sorrows, it's very awesome. Moontower is a must too. Those are the ones I'd get next if I were you.

If you like Swano's clean vocals, check out the 3 song Odyssey ep. It's amazing. Not the easiest thing to find, but I believe Century Media sells it. Then there is Unicorn too. I got burns of Unicorn's disocography (they are out of print) from Dan himself.
Cool, will do.

Dan's a real good guy when it comes to fans I've gathered, I lurk around his forum every so often and see that he talks to everyone in there. I dig that. Antimatter does that too, I think Duncan and Mick post more often in their own forum than anyone else!
Bump because The Spectral Sorrows kicks ass, and I'm listening to it for the first time. :kickass:

Much less accessible than Purgatory Afterglow, which is a good thing, even though I love that album.

:kickass: <-- gonna have a sore neck in the morning.

List of the ones I've heard (not counting the EP or Compilation):
1. The Spectral Sorrow
2. Purgatory Afterglow
3. Infernal
4. Unorthodox
5. Crimson (I don't rate it that high really)
6. Nothing But Death Remains
7. Cryptic

I still I have not heard Crimson II... Don't know why.
1. Crimson
2. The Spectral Sorrows
3. Until Eternity Ends
4. Purgatory Afterglow
5. Moontower
6. Nothing But Death Remains
7. Unorthodox
8. Kur-Nu-Gi-A
9. Infernal
10. Cryptic

That's my Top 10 Edge of Sanity album list right there. Yep, it sure is.
now that’s a quality bump

i dont really listen to much EoS these days, i do think spectral sorrows and unorthodox hold up well for the most part
i tried so many times to get into Moontower. Just couldnt do it.

1. Unorthodox
2. PA
3. Spectral
4. Crimson

...the other ones
I have an unusual relationship with Unorthodox (one might say it is............unorthodox, in fact). It's one of my least favoUrite Edge of Sanity albums, but I rank it amongst the greatest death metal albums of all time. Up there with Necroticism and Blessed are the Sick for me.

This is a developing story. Stay tuned for a possible revised Top 10 list when I next bump this thread in the year 2037.