educate us! tell us something about your (or, any) country


Active Member
Oct 18, 2001
ok, this might be boring, but i'd really like to get to know other countries better, so please post some facts about your or a random country, like national food, government system, cool places to visit, and so on. that doesn't include copy&paste from wikipedia or such, i'd really like to get an old-fasioned, biased, and totally irrelevant and unreflected opinion on the matter ;)
since I already wrote that in another forum I'll just copy it here too, might be interesting for someone who plans its holidays here ;)

austria is a small country, south of germany. there are 9 provinces in austria, the capital is vienna, what is a province of its own as well, has about 1,6 million habitants and is the biggest city in austria. our language is german, tho we have a variety of dialects, specially going form east to west... in the west part of austria people speak even a bit like the swiss. and its also a variation of landscapes going from east to west. in the east there are a lot of beautiful plains, specially in the province of burgenland that is close to hungary, its a very wild place and very quiet too with lots of good wine and food hehe ;) vienna is the biggest cultural place, if u wanna see operas, museums etc. , vienna is full of it, also with imperial buildings like schloss schönbrunn and historic places. its a great city if u know the right places where to go, but just dont go in winter, its cold and unfriendly (exept for the christmas time where u have beautiful chrismtas markets and romantic atmosphere). other nice cities are graz, the cultural capital of 2003 and a very young and modern city with one of the most beautiful venues of austria, the orpheum. and then also salzburg is very nice to see, with the mozart birth house and the mirabell gardens! one of the most beautiful cities in austria I think. innsbruck is a bit smaller, but surrounded by great nature and mountains, we had 2 olympic winter games here too in the 60ies and 70ies. well in the west and also south the mountains start, the thing what austria is famous for... alps, mountains, wildlife, nature. in winter great for skiing, in summer beautiful for hiking.

if u ever come here try out some typical food like schnitzel, regional wine (specially in steiermark, vienna and burgenland) and the sweets. cafe sacher is famous in vienna, go there and eat one of these gorgeous sacher cakes, its worth!

oke, so to tell the 3 things austria is famous for and that I also appreciate very much: mountains, culture, nature :)

3 things I dont like in the country (except for the politics that just suck here): we have no sea, winters can be very very cold, summers very very rainy... rough clima

about the people: austrians can be very warm hearted but very weird at the same time. they like to complain about everything but in the deepest of their heart, they like it. some are very conservative, but mostly people are open minded about the world and unusual things, specially in vienna. the characteristic of people also varies from province to province, I like for example the tyroleans for having such a warm and friendly heart, even if some of them are very religious and that for tyrol is called the "holy land"... austrians dont like to be compared to germans at all, so never ask them hehe ;) and also austrians are much more chaotic and easy going than the germans I think, there is something called "gemütlichkeit" (try to translate that, dunno sorry), that we just live...

if u wanna know more just check the site I'm working for :)
greece's national food: bean soup.

and not souvlakia as you would think
The national food of Britain is actually an "Indian" dish. At an Indian restaurant, a Brit was served with a traditional chicken tikka dish which came without sauce, and he demanded that it be served in gravy. The chef whipped up a very mild curry style sauce (a tin of soup with spices added) and served the chicken tikka in it, creating the chicken tikka masala. It's now the most popular meal in Britain, and despite most people considering it an Indian dish, it doesn't feature in traditional Indian cuisine.
Well, I'll tell you what I know about Chicago: the weather sucks (either really hot or really cold), people here are assholes alot of the time, the food is good, downtown is decent, stay out of most of the South/West sides of the city.

Rusty said:
The national food of Britain is actually an "Indian" dish. At an Indian restaurant, a Brit was served with a traditional chicken tikka dish which came without sauce, and he demanded that it be served in gravy. The chef whipped up a very mild curry style sauce (a tin of soup with spices added) and served the chicken tikka in it, creating the chicken tikka masala. It's now the most popular meal in Britain, and despite most people considering it an Indian dish, it doesn't feature in traditional Indian cuisine.
Is this really true? It sounds almost mythical o_O :p

My country is an island, and it has pretty crap animals. The cow, the Sheep , the goat, the squirel... that's about as interesting as we get.

There are 3 main themeparks woth mentioning. Pleasure Island, which is awesome. Since I was a little kid I've fooking loved the place. Flamingo land, which is part Zoo... but has some good rides aswell (what more could you possibly want?). I hurt my brain on one of them (Magnum force). And Alton towers, which Im not stupid enough to visit. No lie, people cue for five hours for a three minute ride. That's not good.

There's a craze going round the underclasses at the moment. Happy Slapping. They use their video mobile phones to film themselves and their friends kicking the shit out of defenseless people (Mainly young girls/old men) then they 'bluetooth' the clip to everyone. This is why I'm working out... So I'm not considered defenseless. It's truely a disgusting thing.
DragonLady1 said:
but chicken souvlaki with tzatziki rules the world *hungry*
yeah i know, i just had a couple. ;)

fact about greece: there's too many nice places to visit. and a big variety in sceneries. and and and...
ok, some facts about germany:
we have the mighty AUTOBAHN which is as far as i know the only highway system in europe where you can drive as FAST as you want (in theory).
we have invented the CURRYWURST.
we have problems with our PAST.
we have WACKEN. (and tons of more interesting festivals)
today someone told me that german LAWS make up 48% of the WORLDs total laws.
we had a REUNION in 1989.
we eat SAUERKRAUT, drink WEISSBIER and wear LEDERHOSEN, of course.
I heard from a pretty reliable source that 70% of the world's literature about tax-jurisdiction is in german
We have Wacken!
We have Helge Schneider
and of course, we have the best beer money can buy :D
Costa Rica here: small country on central america, lots of nature, lots of pretty women.... very nice country to live on (even with all those normal probs in any country!)
We invented metal.
Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath both hail from my country
Now Biomechanical, Tangaroa and Dragonforce do. HAHA you are all going down.
We have the tallest structure in Europe in west yorkshire, the emley moore transmitter. I can see it from my house and it's 30 miles away... It sticks up what appears about 2cm from the ground, where everything else at the same depth doesn't even dent the horrizon.
Germany is a nice country with stupid people. Many young people aren't interested in education any more (my feeling...) and that's a problem because this country can't survive with 90% workers (income/ life-costs are too high).

Around my hometown (Montabaur, exactly between Cologne and Frankfurt) there's the westwood (Westerwald), a nice landscape with lots of - guess - wood, lots of animals and quite friendly people (unfortunately, not everywhere the people are like this).

Now I live in Trier (most time), Germany's oldest city. Founded by the empire of rome (is this the word in english?!?), there's still an amphitheatre, many old buildings and - of course - the Porta Nigra (see it every day because my bus to uni starts there). And many chinese people because Kalr Marx was born here.
Anyone interested in one of these two places? Come and visit me! (No joke, everybody's welcome!)

Malaclypse, Taliesin (especially, since he metioned before) and solefald will hate me for this, but Austria has great beer, too. I enjoyed it a lot everytime I visited this country. But bavarian beer is great as well. Don't wanna compare now.
bier!!! össi bier??? oh man, aber is ok.besser als die schweitzer plörre...
anyway I used to live in bavaria until last year but will return there to start my studies and jump into the ehart of bavaria-mighty munich!!!
in munich theres each year in september/october the OKTOBERFEST the biggest beerfestival in the world. with an amusementpark, some kind of big never land without michael jackson but with awful bands playing music for drunkheads. and everybody loves it. people from all over the world come to munich just because of oktoberfest, just to drink and drink even more of the wonderfull bavarian beer-weissbier to be exactly.
Im no alcoholic but okotberfest is a must for everyone who comes to germany.
really.I swear :D
As for women, no country can compete with slovakia, where Im from. Otherwise we are pretty far behind, but with our seven-mile boots we will make it! Had the reign of red aristocracy (the commies) here from 1948 to 1989, had been a fascist state from 1939 to 1945 (sent most of our jews to Auschwitz and kissed Hitlers ass with real zeal :erk: ), basically founded as 1.CSR (czechoslovak rep.) in 1918 by TGM (Masaryk) and other dudes. Said goodbye to czech rep. in 1993, had some stupid fucking governments in 1992-1998, but since then its been pretty fine. I like living here (but hey, lets wait for the outcome of 2006 elections, looks pretty stupid fucking again :yuk: ).