Election 2004 - the sad truth

Regarding Family First, they could actually be somewhat useful. Read in the paper this morning that if they do a deal with Howard to give him the balance of power in the Senate, then part of the deal will be for him to say sorry for the whole stolen generation thing and all that.

Of course, he won't agree to that so I'm guessing Family First will just shrug and say, "Worth a try" and hop into bed with him anyway. But if he does say sorry, then that would be cool.
Sydo said:
That couldn't work, as large portions of Australia would be ignored. In effect, Sydney and Melbourne would control the country.

but doesn't NSW already stand for "Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong"?
:lol: Yeah, im glad they have their priorities right Spiffo, apologising for something we didnt do rather than worrying about the selling off of our best national asset and the ridiculous new unfair dismissal laws they have tried to get through the senate about 48 times.
Spawn I'm pretty sure the Libs have control of the Senate now too.
I'm trying to find some firgures or something on the net...
Oh crap :( It was looking like they would get 38 exactly, but no more... If they do, we are SO screwed :(
I hope you track down Ned Kellys descendents and make them apologise, and Martin Bryants parents, make sure they apologise for what they did too, and you should probably track down Captain Cooks descendents and make them apologise as well.
Ned Kelly;s family should never have apologised, for anything.
The guy was a hero, I fucking wish the movement that he could have started had gotten off the ground. This country would have been so much cooler with the Irish in charge.

Then go find the governement from the time and make them apologise Mark! Its your new project :)
What's wrong with a couple of Liberals potentially losing their seats, Kem?

Little Johnny should apologise on behalf of what his party for what they did to Aboriginal people in the fifties.

I'm all for non-compulsory voting. For starters it'd save me $50 every time I fail to vote in a local election I didn't know was on. In addition it would remove all the dickheads like our purveyor of green text mentioned.

Shannow was kidding, Xena! :)

Righty, I'm off to burn places of satan with my local Family First representative - we're starting with mosques, then moving onto bottle shops, then finding some place where wicked lesbians congregate.
Did anyone see Costello through the week, saying that increased oil prices will constrict growth? Well, duh! Doctor's fees just went up. The FTA looks like failing because of the PBS, and PETA is calling on a boycott of Aussie wool. Looks great for the economy that won them the election, doesn't it?