estimated cost on starting up with protools hd 1

I just dont see why they cant just let you use what you use??
I mean its not like your work is horrible,
and second?? Try to find a company to pay for the PT and the computer AND pay you for having to learn PT
Your busy as hell man,, you dont really have time to sit and relearn key commands n shit
Tell them PT is just a name :)

PT is needed for big bands/pro projects
The only way i would switch to PT right now (not saying anything bad) is so i could charge more money and i can say

"yea man its pro tools your gonna sound way awesome" when its not gonna make a difference hahaha
so what if say Century Media (or any other label) calls you and asks you to mix a band's project that's been tracked at another place?
Usually the A&R will say "I'll send you the PT files on a hraddrive"....
now imagine you replying "I don't have PT, could you ask the engineer to consolidate and clean everything, send me the separate wavs and also a midi so I have the tempo?"

you really think that'll end up being your first mix for a bigger label then?
so what if say Century Media (or any other label) calls you and asks you to mix a band's project that's been tracked at another place?
Usually the A&R will say "I'll send you the PT files on a hraddrive"....
now imagine you replying "I don't have PT, could you ask the engineer to consolidate and clean everything, send me the separate wavs and also a midi so I have the tempo?"

you really think that'll end up being your first mix for a bigger label then?

There should be a legitimate way to make a session file converter surely.
Hey Man. I would stick to what works for you. Obviously Nuendo works. I would just get a Mbox, or 003 off ebay so you can do edits, and convert files est. Getting into HD is going to run you a ton of money. Especially with all the production stuff you do. A HD1 rig is not going to cut the mustard. You will prob need at least a HD3 rig, and have to upgrade all your plugs to TDM.
Also a lot of your favorite tools like gclip will not be RTAS, or HD compatible.

Well just my 2cents.

The editing, and workflow is bar-none with Pro-tools though. I sold my HD2 rig to get better converters, and logic and regret it everyday. Logic is ASS!!

does anyone have an estimated cost on everything you'd need to buy a protools hd 1 system?

lets assume the computer is already there, and the pre's will be purchased seperately

from what i understand, you need some sort of digidesign hardware (i/o??)
a core card (pci express)

and the software its self

i need to be able to record 16 things at once, and i need to have flexible output routing (i usually have all of my outputs already hooked up to various shit in my studio, which eliminates a need for a patchbay or unplugging/plugging stuff all the time).

im a protools newb, so i dont know how routing really works (i'd invest in the time to learn it though), but i will need to be able to have seperate headphone mixes to route throughout my house. in nuendo this is called "control room", and i have "locations" setup within it. i just choose where i want to send my mix and my click track for playback before i record.

also, anyone REALLY know the pros and cons of protools mac vs protools windows?

i bring this up because i am beginning to get really big projects that deal with bigger companies and labels, and they assume i use protools, and sometimes request protools specific things that i simply can't supply. after being professional in this business for this long, i can't believe i've survived without protools.

Nuf said...
so what if say Century Media (or any other label) calls you and asks you to mix a band's project that's been tracked at another place?
Usually the A&R will say "I'll send you the PT files on a hraddrive"....
now imagine you replying "I don't have PT, could you ask the engineer to consolidate and clean everything, send me the separate wavs and also a midi so I have the tempo?"

you really think that'll end up being your first mix for a bigger label then?
Seriously, there's the other side of this, where maybe the band/label wants someone else to be able to work with the files, I don't think they'd be too keen on having to import a shitload of consolidated wav's rather than one tidy PT session!
I have another story: last summer I worked with a band. A guy recorded/mixed them and the master should have been done by Christian Olde Wolbers.
The guys who recorded and mixed the songs works in Cubase (very chaotic guy, tracks with no names, no consolidated tracks, no plugins included in the sessions,etc... I know it because I worked on a second mix with his files trying to save the product) and when they spoke to COW, he asked them the PT Session.Ouuuch...big problem!So...after a search of all the converter findable, they had to go in a studio and pay the studio's guy to convert aaaall the fucked up sessions in PT.
despite how much all you naysayers don't want to admit it or want to think it's somehow "all about to end", PT is the industry standard, and will be for quite some time from now.

what you don't all get, though it's been touched on already in this thread, is that PT is EXPECTED... you eventually will find yourself needing it.. and not just an mbox.

screw around and wait until a bigger artist is considering coming to you... until they and their label find out you don't run PT HD. go ahead... you got your arguments all ready right? you know exactly what you'll say to the artist and label heads to "change their minds... too bad for you they won't listen or care what you have to say.

this is NOT about "loyalty" or "love" of any particular DAW over another... it's about the reality in the business. there are exceptions ( a very few logic guys that are well established), you likely won't be able to be one of them.
FTR, the above ONLY applies to those that have reached the point of needing to become dead serious about their business and find yourselves at the tipping point of going full pro and working exclusively for labels... not to all of you guys that record local band demos and the odd small indie label release.
Had this awhile a go. Got a PT file to me, while I'm a cubase guy. Fortunatelly my brother in law just purchased mbox, so I could covert the stuff.
Made me think of by a mbox so I actually can access the files and mix in pro tools if I need to...