pulling the trigger on protools hd 2

what you'll want to do is have the actual output of the track go to 1-2 for the monitor controller

then you'll aux out sends 3-4 to the headphone amp, like you do now, and make volume/plugin/whatever changes on the aux send


i have another question (all of my topics go off topic, this rules)
in cubase, i use pod farm in the input channel insert section, so that i can record a DI and the pod farm output from the DI at the same time

if i remove the pod farm plugin, i still have those recorded tracks of pod farm's output.

how will i do that in protools?
People have been wanting input fader effects in PT for a long time from what I gather. The best way I can figure it is for you to create 3 tracks.

1) PODFarm as the main insert. This track is then routed to #2

2) This track is record enabled so whatever track 1 sends to it will be printed.

3) Straight DI channel.

One of the great things about PT is that you can route anything just about anywhere. So if you need to print FX in real time, just route your channel to a spare one and hit 'record'.
so i'm assuming you're trying to track both the clean DI and the POD farm track then, right?

in that case, have your input track with podfarm on it...this will have just the DI by itself if you turn off podfarm

then create a second track, and use an aux send of the first track as its input

at least that's the best i can think of doing it by memory...haven't used PT in a while

like ermz said before, all of the i/o in PT is based on analog topology, and as such you can really route anything and everything to go wherever you need it to...i think is why a lot of the old-school analog dudes who started out with tape and consoles latched onto PT so hard

edit: ermz beat me on that shit...
so i'm assuming you're trying to track both the clean DI and the POD farm track then, right?

in that case, have your input track with podfarm on it...this will have just the DI by itself if you turn off podfarm

then create a second track, and use an aux send of the first track as its input

at least that's the best i can think of doing it by memory...haven't used PT in a while

like ermz said before, all of the i/o in PT is based on analog topology, and as such you can really route anything and everything to go wherever you need it to...i think is why a lot of the old-school analog dudes who started out with tape and consoles latched onto PT so hard

edit: ermz beat me on that shit...
this is how i imagined doing it in pt

is it sample accurate? (any latency in the second track?)

i tested this with cubase and it was sample accurate.
I think it may make a bit more sense to have 3 channels. This way you can treat the PODFarm track as a sort of 'global' tone reference, or rather your 'input fader' replacement in Cubase.

The other two tracks would just be there to receive audio and not have anything on them. It makes more sense to me if you're doing a larger number of tracks, so you don't have to keep loading PODfarm up on each pair.

EDIT: Can't verify whether it's sample accurate or not. Don't see why it wouldn't be though, as the internal routing is virtual and should be subject to no latency.
is it sample accurate? (any latency in the second track?)

i tested this with cubase and it was sample accurate.

should be

also, to get even more off-topic, do you have any ideas so far on preamps?
I think it may make a bit more sense to have 3 channels. This way you can treat the PODFarm track as a sort of 'global' tone reference, or rather your 'input fader' replacement in Cubase.

The other two tracks would just be there to receive audio and not have anything on them. It makes more sense to me if you're doing a larger number of tracks, so you don't have to keep loading PODfarm up on each pair.

EDIT: Can't verify whether it's sample accurate or not. Don't see why it wouldn't be though, as the internal routing is virtual and should be subject to no latency.

i always have a "print track"
i record the guitar parts there, then drag them into empty "accept" tracks that are pre panned and leveled out, with post eq

so i'll hit record, track a part, then stop, hit record again, double it.
drag one to guitar right, drag the other to guitar left
hit play, and i hear them in stereo n eq'd

i also record it this way because the print track is centered, and turned up louder than the mix tracks, so the player can hear what he's doing.
yea i have no idea what he uses...i know i saw somewhere that BDM used a vearn vt-2 for vox on nocturnal, but beyond that i have no idea

those pres are also expensive as FUCK - but also amazing
yea i have no idea what he uses...i know i saw somewhere that BDM used a vearn vt-2 for vox on nocturnal, but beyond that i have no idea

those pres are also expensive as FUCK - but also amazing

i'll probably have 5k to work with in the new pre department
im hoping to have an entirely new rig and not have to re-use my old shit.
i want two setups that can run simultaneously. no body is pulling hair out like i am. im currenting in post production on three records, and starting another one tomorrow.
i'll probably have 5k to work with in the new pre department
im hoping to have an entirely new rig and not have to re-use my old shit.
i want two setups that can run simultaneously. no body is pulling hair out like i am. im currenting in post production on three records, and starting another one tomorrow.

yea i remember you telling me that the other day on AIM

personally, i would be putting an API 3124 way up at the top of the list...but yea, that's just me
You're going to have AD/DA conversion covered, or just A/D?

How many preamps do you tend to use at once?

im going to have to use the 192 because its part of the deal that im even able to afford pt hd

so yeah, using the 192 for that (shit how will i run my d/a?)

i need some lousey pre's for the triggers, and 8 nice ones for cymz