no reducing. i don't give a flying banner to 'technical', but i think music is written by ear and not by fingers, which sometimes seems to be the case on that album, and amongst many other metal bands, including the 'technical' ones, who are even funnier. (Emperor) btw, what do you mean by 'minimalism' specifically?Originally posted by my dying groom
Who cares? Guitar wanking isn't everything. Doom (as well as other musical styles) is closely connected to minimalism, an elaborate technique can be of lesser importance sometimes.
MDB's last album is pretty boring, I agree with some people here, but reducing music to technical skill sounds one-dimensional.
Originally posted by Don Corleone
unmusical? just because they press chords the way you described doesnt make them unmusical, in my opinion.
i understand that you exaggerate with this 'everything' - yes, it's a tough life in the small world of pop and metal.Originally posted by Ivo
I remember when "Symphonaire Infernus" was out... by that time everything was death metal and listening to these scarry violins for a first time - man it was amazing!!!
Originally posted by D Mullholand
that makes the results pretty random (with occasional successes, logically), if they don't create the sounds that their internal hearing intends to, don't you agree? but anyways it's hard to be really inspired and hear music in a beer smoke metal rehearsal room, with embryonic musicians - everybody intends to make dumb noise while staying in strict confines of the dumb riff. music needs silence to be born.
Originally posted by The Beloved
Yeah, The Dreadful Hours might be better than Turn Loose The Swans, or might not... But Eternity is better than both of them![]()
Originally posted by Heiko
Personally, I think that "Eternity" is one of the least Anathema albums. Ok, it has 'Suicide Veil' and 'Eternity' and 'Far Away'.
But it also has the worst vocals (by far). Vinnie gets better on every album after that. And I can't help it but I just LOVE Darren's vocals.
You can clearly hear that this album is a transition album. Coming from one style, searching a new one. I'm not saying it is a bad album, not at all. But I like the ones before and esp. the one after that better: My favourite Anathema album is Pentecost III
I totally disagree with that.Originally posted by The Beloved
If it was a transition album to 'somewhere', they had found it. Pentecost III is my 2nd fav album too and I love Daz vocals as well. But I think Eternity is simply a display of originality and a superb album as a whole. I don't think A4 is an evolution of Eternity at all, and it's emptier in my opinion.
Completely disagree with you!!Originally posted by Heiko
But it also has the worst vocals (by far). Vinnie gets better on every album after that. And I can't help it but I just LOVE Darren's vocals.
well, i like those too, and especially '34' and 'the light'. the music feels more natural on those, whereas on TLTS it felt unnatural: many melodies seem random and lack any direction, causing my suspicion that they were created by 'poking fingers'. have you tried playing some of the riffs on guitar? when you create a slow, repetitive doom-doom, melodic balance is very important (not in the sense of total 'correctness', but in the sense of economy of notes and their placement where they are needed - not just to fill up a rhythmic pattern - i'd give some examples, but i really have no time or motivation to dig up that record again), so that the repetition would work. heard the first Shape of Despair album?Originally posted by Don Corleone
"occasional successes"?? "random results"??? mullholand, whether you like it or not, the guys are the most inspirational, original doom band in the world right now. it seems that you prefer to disregard their talent. every one of their albums is a killer. other than TLTS, i also adore the light at the end of the world and the angel and the dark river...
is this the old 'KIDS, u see, it's all SUBJECTIVE!!!' neutralizer?anyways, in the end, of course, you may not like the music, but your ideas and myths about MDB are pretty funny.
Going too deep... maybe like most fans of Anathema, but I don't think that those riffs are composed blindly as you say - maybe some, but not most of them...Originally posted by D Mullholand
real art survives every point of view. i've seen bands that rehearse and create their riffs blindly, never hearing the melody in the first place; many of them actually. all there's left to do is draw parallels between the result and the creation process. the riffs on TLTS are exactly of the same type as those of the aforementioned lesser bands.
Originally posted by D Mullholand
well, i like those too, and especially '34' and 'the light'. the music feels more natural on those, whereas on TLTS it felt unnatural: many melodies seem random and lack any direction, causing my suspicion that they were created by 'poking fingers'. have you tried playing some of the riffs on guitar? when you create a slow, repetitive doom-doom, melodic balance is very important (not in the sense of total 'correctness', but in the sense of economy of notes and their placement where they are needed - not just to fill up a rhythmic pattern - i'd give some examples, but i really have no time or motivation to dig up that record again), so that the repetition would work. heard the first Shape of Despair album?
is this the old 'KIDS, u see, it's all SUBJECTIVE!!!' neutralizer?i realize some of my suspicions may be wrong, but i listen to music very carefully, prefering not to treat it like a blur of sound that is obliged to penetrate even the most passive ear and bring out defensive reflexes from your psyche. real art survives every point of view. i've seen bands that rehearse and create their riffs blindly, never hearing the melody in the first place; many of them actually. all there's left to do is draw parallels between the result and the creation process. the riffs on TLTS are exactly of the same type as those of the aforementioned lesser bands.
yes, the old Darren discussion. i'm not really into the 'opinion-exchange' threads anymore, unless there are significant ideas discussed. opinions are just like '+/-' and won't bring you new understandings of music. oh well.![]()
(will be gone for a week)
Yes, I heard the first SoD album (and absolutely love it, although I think the second is even better!), but this is just not the same.Originally posted by D Mullholand
well, i like those too, and especially '34' and 'the light'. the music feels more natural on those, whereas on TLTS it felt unnatural: many melodies seem random and lack any direction, causing my suspicion that they were created by 'poking fingers'. have you tried playing some of the riffs on guitar? when you create a slow, repetitive doom-doom, melodic balance is very important (not in the sense of total 'correctness', but in the sense of economy of notes and their placement where they are needed - not just to fill up a rhythmic pattern - i'd give some examples, but i really have no time or motivation to dig up that record again), so that the repetition would work. heard the first Shape of Despair album?
That you hate Darren's vocals, is just too bad. That you stopped listening to Anathema and missed the release of TSE because of that, is just too bad too. Liking Darren's voice (or not) is just a matter of personal taste.Originally posted by Ivo
Completely disagree with you!!
Nothing is wrong with the Vinnie's vocs on "Eternity", and I just HATE Darren's voice - BTW we had that discussion before (right Mulholand? - remember the arguments with Wolfie)
"Pentecost III" is the album that made me stop listening to Anathema, and I missed the release of "The Silent Enigma" (was that dissapointed), until my friend told me that "Eternity" is amazing...