here you go aswell!
By the 'as well as a flag', we sure he meant a FTR flag? Or did he mean 'a Bodom flag'; meaning Blooddrunk =/
here you go aswell!
By the 'as well as a flag', we sure he meant a FTR flag? Or did he mean 'a Bodom flag'; meaning Blooddrunk =/
Hey ! first i love your picture (avatar!!) great choice and second, i would've liked to see cob in Munich (its a great city), so welcome here.
Really, they did? Shit... I wanted to wait but then we thought we could get the last train and shit but when we arrived it was already to late. Also tought about going back to the Backstage but the guy who was with me didn't want to. Well, maybe I'm lucky and get a second chance at Nuremberg gig next week. It's no problem for me to wait outside after the gig, I'm from Nuremberg and don't have to get any train.
Is anyone else here going to the gig in Nuremberg next week?
I was at the first Pratteln Show and it was awesome!
Diablo was fucking great, they played Trail of Kings, Icaros, Light of the End and Into the Sea of the new album. They also played the ABBA-cover and another song which I didnt know, I guess from the eternium album. They had really deserved a longer set, I think. It was a pity they played no song from the Mimic 47 album.
Cannibal Corpse did not quite convince me. Few songs had some parts I liked, but overall not my thing. I liked Deicide, Vader and Misery Index (all seen live in january) a lot more live.
It was the first time I saw Children of Bodom live and I had not expected them to be such a good liveband. Perfect soud, awesome show and awesome setlist! I really liked that they played so much old stuff!
The merch was nothing spectacular I think. I would have loved to buy a Diablo T-Shirt but they did not sell any I liked...
First of all: shebut to clear it up: in Leipzig they sold Bloodrunk flags and FTR flags.^^
only 4 days left for me... i'm looking forward to going![]()
I'm going to the italian show....does anyone come?
Haha sorry.
And thanks for the info. I'll be picking up a Follow the Reaper flag for sure then.
That flag is so nice... and also a bloddrunk tour t-shirt ^^ Then.. we'll see if i pic up an blooddrunk flag aswell ^^
Now I just gotta see if theres anyone I can meet there; otherwise i'm all on my lonesome =/
I'm alone.. "i die alone" (angels) ^^
Because my friends litsen to bullet and other fuckface bands...
Anyhow, then i rather go alone, would't miss it for the world...