European headlining tour 2009

When they play Hate Crew Death Roll, are they doing the epic Keys/Bass Drum part like in Chaos Ridden Years or not?

That'd be fucking ace.
Some of my friends dont even listen to music. Either that or emo basically. It's a shame. Ah well. *Sigh*

You're not the only one who has that kind of friends.
Thank god my sister wants to come with me or else I might not have gone.
She isn't really into the growling stuff, but sometimes she seems even more enthusiastic than me:lol:
You're not the only one who has that kind of friends.
Thank god my sister wants to come with me or else I might not have gone.
She isn't really into the growling stuff, but sometimes she seems even more enthusiastic than me:lol:

It sucks doesnt it. Especially since half my life revolves around music. I'm hoping now when I move that I can find someone into the same stuff as me. I'm a total oddball in my area. Into Metal, Anime, Manga and Games. Its liek... UNHEARD OF!?!?!
The place i went to was selling blooddrunk t shirts for 15.

I just hung the flag on the ceiling so its on top of my drum kit :D

Sweet man. Your kits in your room?

My drum kit has a room of its own lol.

Cant wait to get my hands on this stuff. Out of interest, does anyone feel like meeting me at the London gig? I'm after someone to go with. I got a possible friend and she's getting back to me tommoro, but if she cant, anyone feel like meeting me in the queue??