Last time I saw HCDR, they slowed it down and stuff and raised the lyrics so everyone would have to sing it
yep so they do at this tour, since it´s their last song.
And i'll scream to the top of my lungs.
Some of my friends dont even listen to music. Either that or emo basically. It's a shame. Ah well. *Sigh*
You're not the only one who has that kind of friends.
Thank god my sister wants to come with me or else I might not have gone.
She isn't really into the growling stuff, but sometimes she seems even more enthusiastic than me
Haha sorry.
And thanks for the info. I'll be picking up a Follow the Reaper flag for sure then.
I bought a FTR flag today from Camden. It was 7 pounds so I guess it will be around 7-10 pounds at the gig.
Lol I'm gonna put it up on my ceiling
Sweeeeet thanks for the price info bra'
Do you know how much it was for a tee?
The place i went to was selling blooddrunk t shirts for 15.
I just hung the flag on the ceiling so its on top of my drum kit
I'm glad they're playing Lake Bodom btw, something from Something Wild