European headlining tour 2009

^Not all dates have been announced yet.
"There's a lot more to come, see you on the road!"
hey! do any of you know where to by ticets for their show in sweden? i've looked on but i cant fint anything:(
it sucks that their show in norway has 18 years adgelimit, so i have to go to sweden to see them when they play a show in my hometown!
hey! do anyone know where to buy ticets for their show in sweden? i looked on ticnet but nothing there:(
They do not come to Barcelona T____________________T

depression :rofl:DD

My english is bad ¬¬...

Hey, aniras al de Barcelona? Tranquil, totes les dades no estan anunciades encara, jo espero (sino rodaran caps) que dins de poc anuncien les dates a la península a veure si m'organitzo la meua mini-gora seguint-los. Si vas al de Barcelona ens veurem allà :kickass:
Welcome on board Helene. I don't know where to buy tickets for their gig in Sweden but here's my piece of advice: edit your posts instead of making new ones please, that could be annoying for some people. ;)
So, does anyone know if the age limits are for everywhere then? They better announce a Scotland date soon and i better get in!
I mailed the venue in Holland and they don't have a minimum age, so I guess it's different everywhere.
New EU dates announced:

January 31 - Haus Auensee, Leipzig (D)
February 04 - Z7, Pratteln (CH)
February 05 - Z7, Pratteln (CH)
February 20 - Elysee Montmatre, Paris (F)
February 21 - Hof Ter Loo, Antwerpen (B)
February 22 - Hof Ter Loo, Antwerpen (B)
February 23 - Grosse Freiheit, Hamburg (D)
I'm on Ticketmaster...



What's that all about?
FUCK I've just tought that I leave Belgium on Friday 20 February for holiday, FUCK THAT. Bodom, see you next time.
Nah. It asked me to enter some special promotion code, so it's not just for anyone, so I got a regular instead.