European headlining tour 2009

^Not all dates have been announced yet.
"There's a lot more to come, see you on the road!"
hey! do any of you know where to by ticets for their show in sweden? i've looked on but i cant fint anything:(
it sucks that their show in norway has 18 years adgelimit, so i have to go to sweden to see them when they play a show in my hometown!
hey! do anyone know where to buy ticets for their show in sweden? i looked on ticnet but nothing there:(
They do not come to Barcelona T____________________T

depression xDDD

My english is bad ¬¬...

Hey, aniras al de Barcelona? Tranquil, totes les dades no estan anunciades encara, jo espero (sino rodaran caps) que dins de poc anuncien les dates a la península a veure si m'organitzo la meua mini-gora seguint-los. Si vas al de Barcelona ens veurem allà :kickass:
Welcome on board Helene. I don't know where to buy tickets for their gig in Sweden but here's my piece of advice: edit your posts instead of making new ones please, that could be annoying for some people. ;)
So, does anyone know if the age limits are for everywhere then? They better announce a Scotland date soon and i better get in!
I mailed the venue in Holland and they don't have a minimum age, so I guess it's different everywhere.
New EU dates announced:

January 31 - Haus Auensee, Leipzig (D)
February 04 - Z7, Pratteln (CH)
February 05 - Z7, Pratteln (CH)
February 20 - Elysee Montmatre, Paris (F)
February 21 - Hof Ter Loo, Antwerpen (B)
February 22 - Hof Ter Loo, Antwerpen (B)
February 23 - Grosse Freiheit, Hamburg (D)
I'm on Ticketmaster...



What's that all about?
FUCK I've just tought that I leave Belgium on Friday 20 February for holiday, FUCK THAT. Bodom, see you next time.