European headlining tour 2009

...I would be sooo agry if it happened to me...I mean, it really really sucks...:erk:

Hell you should have hung out with our FOH and System tech after that! Our life is those damn desks and when shit happens to them we are fucked as you can see.

The guy in charge of the desk was pissed as all get out, and he is no small dude.

Like Janne said, if any one knows who threw that, B... the shit out of his or her ass!
Hell you should have hung out with our FOH and System tech after that! Our life is those damn desks and when shit happens to them we are fucked as you can see.

The guy in charge of the desk was pissed as all get out, and he is no small dude.

Like Janne said, if any one knows who threw that, B... the shit out of his or her ass!

Word. Can't see that being anything else than intentional, which is plain weird too.
Word. Can't see that being anything else than intentional, which is plain weird too.

Well in fairness if it fell from the balcony like we're thinking it did it could have been a complete mistake,the balcony was just overhanging the mixing desk and someone leaning out over the barrier might have tipped it over accidentally or something..I don't think someone could really be as dense as to intentionally drop liquid on an electric sound system..:erk: wtf would they have to gain from that?!
I'd say most people who are hardcore CC fans and mightn't have liked to see CoB headlining wouldn't intentionally do that..if they hated cob that much they probably wouldn't have even been in the building for their set.
I'm not trying to excuse whoever did it though, even if it was accidental I would still kick the shit out of them anyway..

But time to get over it methinks,shit happens and whoever done it hopefully got a few slaps from someone. Thank God cob or their management or whatever has the finances/resources to sort stuff like this out and they can still continue on touring,they'll be back in the UK soonish hopefully anyway.
Nice text Happilemon

Anyhow, i really starts o think about if it was an accident, ether how it would not affect me because the stockholm gig went as planned, just that They we're 20 min late ^^.

I also want to discuss the choise of support. I just loved Diablo :D And i know that you can't love everything but. How much do you the "gig-planners" thought about the crowd, and with that i mean that.. Like this..

At the stockholm gig, about half the crowd where there for Cannibal Corpse. So after they've played, about a quarter of the crowd or less did go to take a beer in the bar or something.

So i understand that they maybe have to take such bands as Support (don't say that CC suck but) but i think that it whould maybe be better to "hire" Norther, Kalmah, or something. :)
Yesterdays gig in Seinäjoki was pretty fucking awesome. Met Roope before the gig when I was waiting in front of the doors and got a pic. Also got some pictures with pretty good quality from the gig, gonna post some later.
Hatecrew Deathroll (solo,sing along chorus and end of gig. Sorry for the fucked up audio. Somehow that song just wasn't so easy to film lol. Anyways..)

some of Hammer smashed face by cannibal corpse

Follow the reaper full sucks a bit though.

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Hatecrew Deathroll (solo,sing along chorus and end of gig. Sorry for the fucked up audio. Somehow that song just wasn't so easy to film lol. Anyways..)

Hah! Like it when he speaks finnish at HCDR, but it seemed that it was not any action! ^^

Dod you not fill up the old ice hockey rink with people?
It was filled(standing spots, sitting places were like half fileld) and people were headbanging like mad at the time...but yeah i dunno. I got a couple of videos more I am going to upload though.
Thanks for vids phenom! There was perfect example how to pronounce Perkele :lol:. Did Jose learn any Finnish?

Yes, some! His Finnish pronounciation was AWESOME! He could pronounce my first name so perfectly. Then we learned him some of our Swedish dialect also :lol: Was pretty funny! I got a couple of videos coming still. More of CC and CoB's Sixpounder :)
Thanks for the pics Sleeper, I really like this one.

I've got a few pics from the show yesterday, right here!

Great pics! 5th picture is quite funny :lol:.

Yes, some! His Finnish pronounciation was AWESOME! He could pronounce my first name so perfectly.
Your name is difficult to pronounce right, it's so easy to pronounce it too Swedish or too English way.

"Finland-svenska" is so nice ;)