Well in fairness if it fell from the balcony like we're thinking it did it could have been a complete mistake,the balcony was just overhanging the mixing desk and someone leaning out over the barrier might have tipped it over accidentally or something..I don't think someone could really be as dense as to intentionally drop liquid on an electric sound system..wtf would they have to gain from that?!
I'd say most people who are hardcore CC fans and mightn't have liked to see CoB headlining wouldn't intentionally do that..if they hated cob that much they probably wouldn't have even been in the building for their set.
I'm not trying to excuse whoever did it though, even if it was accidental I would still kick the shit out of them anyway.
Hehe nice
Like i said i bought 2 t-shirts ^^ Because, i knew before the show that the where selling EU-tour blooddrunks and i wanted it, so when we where standing in line to come in a merchant guy with brittish accent, like "hey lads, t-shirts?" : And they're only 100kr each = 10 so i bought 2 ^^
You guys had flames?
Nice to change! Love the ftr. We only had Blooddrunk wallart, even when Diablo & Cannibal Corpse played ^^
Sometime during Banned from Heaven and in the Blooddrunk choruses, maybe somewhere else too but can't remember. It felt warm ^^
Yeah it was pretty wild. It was sooo awesome. Well, according to Jose I'm not a true finn because i get drunk so fucking fast![]()
well, what does he know about fins anyway![]()
Well, by now...probably alot. It was just an awesome experience overall. Only shit side of it being that i got too drunk and had to go to bed and the chaotic feeling when waking up in the morningMaybe Jose will make an input here tomorrow aswell. I will then do full gig review....maybe. Or did i just do it? Peace out.
Thanks for vids phenom! There was perfect example how to pronounce Perkele. Did Jose learn any Finnish?
So you were the one who left me without tour t-shirtI was so pissed when the guy told me they were sold out
...I would be sooo agry if it happened to me...I mean, it really really sucks...![]()
I am. I still am. I dont care if I should be over it. I'm not.
I srsly hope they come back soon. And I srsly hope that same shit doesn't happen twice.
..well, I can totally understand.
I hope they come back soon too...I saw they will be playing at some festival here in Europe but nowhere near me for now (eventhough metalway festival would be really, really interesting!).
Metaltown, Göteborg, SWEDEN!!
..Wow, i just checked the site..quite nice!!You guys up there always get the best festivals!
How much does it cost?I'm not familiar with swedish currencies...
1295:- SEK = 111
Well...I could probably plan my holidays including the show..CoB+spending some time in sweden=awesome!
Metaltown, Göteborg, SWEDEN!!
..well, I can totally understand.
I hope they come back soon too...I saw they will be playing at some festival here in Europe but nowhere near me for now (eventhough metalway festival would be really, really interesting!).
Thinking about to travel there to, but i will sleep in a tent or something then.
We asked Henkka if they will play at Graspop and he said yes, I hope they will really come =p
Well in fairness if it fell from the balcony like we're thinking it did it could have been a complete mistake,the balcony was just overhanging the mixing desk and someone leaning out over the barrier might have tipped it over accidentally or something..I don't think someone could really be as dense as to intentionally drop liquid on an electric sound system..wtf would they have to gain from that?!
..Oh yeah me too!I always sleep in a tent at festivals, it's so damn funny!!
..oh that would be sweet too...so i guess i just have to pick one festival at this point..metalway, metaltown, or graspop!(they're not coming to gods of metal in Italy i guess...all the bands have been confirmed yesterday..)