europeian metal


Apr 16, 2002
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it seems that alot of american metal bands are departing lately.
im kinda glad, im liking euro-metal alot more.sure there are your convetional bands like slipknot, pantera, system of a down, iced earth and slayer. but some of the older bands are dying because lack of support of pussies leaving(like dave mustane, jason newstad, Ryna). what the fuck is that i really wish that bands break up because of real issues. metallica shouls there all like 40 yrs. old and im sure james would like to continue his drug use and dave can(oops i almost forgot his arm) go jerk-off like the flammer he is.

but sooner or later people will realize that euro-metal will take over and beat some shit.
Well yeah I'm defintly more for Euro metal than the whole American thing. Euro metal is alot more varied I feel, wouldnt u say it has a different sound. For me the American death scene sounds boring and their styles are virtually the same 80% it Sh*t. GO THE EURO.....I wouldnt cry to see the American Scene cave is a Haven for RAP CRAP
Alexis Goddess, 2 things:

1) Agreed that MUCH of the American scene is crap. I am very, very ashamed to be from a place that spawned Fred Durst & His Band of Merry Imitators, but hey, what can you do. Let's not forget that some immensely talented bands HAVE come from here (Iced Earth, Dream Theatre, Kamelot, Shadows Fall, Queensryche, Absu, Slayer, etc.), so it's not ALL bad.

2) Is that your real picture? You're a hottie! :D
1. I hate to put Metal in categories. It's OK to say that some band sounds black metal or rather power metal, but you'll hardly find a band performing some sort of "definition" of whatever style...
So that's bullshit.

2. Now there's a guy inventing "eurometal"! Fuck you man! I'm german and we got a lot of cool metalbands overhere, but nobody invents the genre of "germanmetal", not do they invent the "finnishmetal" because of the loads of finnish metalbands.
So where's the point in inventing categories like "eurometal"?

Go listen to good music and don't bother us!
Dammit! :mad:
Hey NV, I understand where you're coming from, but what I think flaminfetus was trying to say about "eurometal" is the stuff inspired by Maiden, Priest & Helloween. At least that's what I think of when I think Eurometal. Though I'm with you, genres have only one purpose for me: since they're already defined for the most part, it lets someone say "oh, they're a black metal band," which in turn lets me know they don't sound like Cannibal Corpse. But that's the only reason I can think of. For example, In Flames, to me, is a f*cking rocking band, but I wouldn't classify them as simply a melodic death metal band, that would be selling them short.

All my opinion of course.

Happy metalling.
I think it's quite stupid to have eurometal and american metal since there are european metal bands that sound american and american metal bands that sound european. Just stupid.
We can always talk about where best metal comes from but with genre-names let's stick into terms that do not stress the geographical location..
markgugs was right sort of. first off i only put eurometal bands in that slot because there over seas, in europe.

secondly bands that inspired u.s. bands arent bad. and besides im sure there are american bands that influenced euro bands also. althoughi am glad to see some cds getting in stores but not all are, i hate that, and why wont they put kalmah, or like cob stuff( i got FtR from bestbuy). i wonder why that is?

and last thing, yea alexis goddes if that is your pic than damn your hot!:D
In 'regular' metal europe may take over, but in black metal I see the other thing happening. In the early '90's only few extreme black metal bands were not European, but now there is a strong USBM scene.
At the risk of stirring the pot further, let's not forget that the world of thrash COMES from the United States (with all respect due Kreator, Destruction and Sodom).

Without the groundbreaking done by bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus, Death Angel, Testament, Obsession, Possessed, Forbidden and more, there IS no thrash scene, and quite a different black AND death scene today I might add.

Damned genres! Just throwing a couple more cents into the pot.
Hmmm...for someone with a Savatage album title as their 'handle,' (hey, look at that, ANOTHER tremendous American band) you'd think you would at least have an appreciation for their contribution to modern music.

I didn't say I was a huge fan of theirs, but their talent and genre-altering career can't be ignored.

But I know, I know, you put a smiley face and were just poking fun. I only wanted to moderately defend myself :D .

Of course, the fact that you're all of 16 would explain quite a bit...cheers! :eek:
Errr.. Okay.. I don't know what's the point of arguing about this. It would be the same if I said that "Hey, this band is from Sweden, I don't wanna hear a swedish band!" or "Well, I didn't like Testament, Metallica, Megadeth, or Kreator, so why should I give a listen to another american band?"

That's just crazy, man!

And by the way, I like Testament, Metallica, Megadeth, Kreator and for example In Flames, The Crown, Hammerfall etc.
Originally posted by markgugs
Without the groundbreaking done by bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Exodus, Death Angel, Testament, Obsession, Possessed, Forbidden and more, there IS no thrash scene, and quite a different black AND death scene today I might add.
I didn't say I dislike US-Metal anyway :p
I LOVE Metallica's early stuff and I don't care about where a band comes from as long as the music kicks ass :D

@Extendar: Kreator are a german band AFAIK :p