"I'll tell you why I accepted Christ and became a Christian, and maybe that will help you to understand a little better. The reason I chose Christ as opposed to any other 'religion' was because Christianity is not a 'religion'. It is a relationship based on Agape, which is an unconditional love, and not based on works or good deeds to please God. I'll explain. Basically all I had to do was to accpet Jesus as my personal saviour and admit that I'm not perfect. I had to believe that He died on the cross for all my sins, past, present, and future, and believe that He rose again from the dead. That's it. Simple, but not easy in practice day by day. I continue to mess up (sin), but that doesn't mean I'm out of favor with God, it means I stand for improvement. Any other religion is based on deeds and works to please their form of god. I really believe that if you ask God to reveal His self to you that he will. And, you will begin to understand a little better. Because, it's hard to in our own understanding. The Bible says that the things of the Spirit are foolishness to natural man. And, if you believe in God it makes it easier to understand the creation of energy."
First of all, why should this god care if we believe in it? Why should we be punished for all of eternity just for not believing in it? There is no way to explain that. What, no matter how good you are, you must be punished just for not believing in it? That's absurd, and only points out that humans created the bible as a means of corrupting everyone to believe in this religion. I mean, what just god would just make a game out of our souls? You pick it, you win, you don't, you lose. Ridiculous. If, and this is a BIG if, if there is a thinking god that is just, then he would not punish us just for not believing in him (of course, there is not though). Also, I think another reason why so many people follow this religion is because they are lazy, as you pointed out. They don't want to have to prove themselves to be good people, because that just isn't possible for one thing (especially for a Catholic Priest), and it also is too hard. Laziness is the universal human trait, and this just goes further to prove that. Also, what you are saying is that the Christian *religion* does not ask you to be a good person, all you have to do is believe. Hmm....now let me think about this. Now this means that most likely, the majority of souls in *heaven (hahahaha heaven hahahahaha hmm...sorry)* are probably rapist, serial killers, child molesters (of course), etc., because everyone knows how they become born again christians right before dying. And you are saying that this is okay. I mean, by your belief, they are good people because they accept jesus christ (hahaha, hmm....sorry again) as their savior (savior hahahah, hmm....). This also means that Ghandi was evil, because he wasn't a Christian (blasphemy correct, I mean, Ghandi was just so evil
). Also, do you really want to go to heaven, where everything is perfect? Challenges are what make fun, aren't they? To me they are. If you truly want to manipulate yourself enough into believing that *god* has revealed itself to you, then you shall see it.
"On free will and the 'divine plan'. They both can coexist because God knows every decision that we make and will make, but I think provides opportunity for us all to choose Him while on this Earth. And it is His will that all men be saved, but with free will, He leaves that decision up to us, even as He knows how we will choose."
Don't you see? The divine plan and free will contradict each other. If our *destiny* is set, then there is no free will. *God* cannot predict what we are going to do if we have free will.