Evolution vs. Creation: The Cosmological Argument

Kon16ov said:
When I was asked to leave the youth group for asking questions on the origins of religion (in general, and not just Christianity),

I guess it was easier to kick you out than try to give you legitimate answers.

I can deal with people who have sat down and really thought about it and come to the conclusion that this particular faith is the right thing for them. I'm cool with that. What bugs me is blind faith, tunnel vision, complete adherence to the party line for no other reason than that's the way it's always been, who believe simply because they're afraid of going to hell. *twitch*

"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear. " - Thomas Jefferson

(Jefferson, like most of the Founding Fathers, was a Deist, meaning he believed in A god - just not the Christian one.)
Jefferson was a fucking GENIUS.

It's a shame the religious right is hijacking the secular government he, Hamilton, Madison and the rest set out to create.

Blind faith is, indeed, pathetic and annoying. If you can give me a good reason why you believe in God, than congratulations, believe what you want. But if you're like Fuckzilla up there, then please stop wasting my oxygen.
I always thought that it would be funny if the afterlife was just hell. Then I could laugh at all of those damn Christians that tell me I am going there:
HAHAHAHAHAHA silly bastards, look, there's Jesus being raped in the ass. YEEHAAAWWW, bang him harder Satan. Give it to him good. Look, there's the virgin mary, no wait, she's definitely not a virgin anymore. Shit, it looks like a black hole, goddamn, there's no space or time in that motherfucker.
But anyway, I believe that the afterlife, isn't after life, but just a continuation of it. Of course, I stated this and more earlier on in the thread. Also, I am so glad you find me intelligent and insightful, Pyrus. :grin:
Lord of Metal said:
I know how some are going to respond to what I just posted: "But he made the decision to not believe in god, so." First of all, so what. Second of all, in my scenario, the man came to the logical conclusion that god doesn't exist (and I must concur). He didn't say, "Well, god exists, but it's a fagot, so I won't believe in it." No, this man turned towards logic, and he thought long and hard about the question of god. After long consideration, he realized that the idea of god just didn't make sense to him, so of course he decided that god doesn't exist. Now, this doesn't sound "evil" to me, so it obviously doesn't justify a fiery eternity. And a huge problem is that the line between this life and the Christian's afterlife begins to blur in many Christians' minds. So they begin to call people evil for just not believing in their god, and sometimes go as far as war to silence those with different views. I mean, if you are going to hell (what a silly idea) then you are obviously evil. ARGH!!!!

I understand, and all I can say is that God, if truly seeked out or truly questioned as real and in existance will reveal His self. It's up to the person to honestly accept Him or not. Some, though refuse to believe as you say, and they may be perfectly fine, upstanding people, who do good as in your example. They certainly are not evil, as they are God's creation. God just wants to have relationship with them. I knwo that I'm starting to repeat myself here, but the point is that those who would fairly and sincerely ask the question. "God, do you exist, first of all, and second of all; Will you reveal yourself to me". I truly believe He will.

Also, you mentioned Christianity being a lazy religion. Well, your right to a certain extent, and that's the problem. It is so easy to become a Christian, yet it's very hard to live the Christian life. I know that I'm a lazy Christian. The Bible does provide rules to live by, and I fall short. That's for sure.

Nonetheless, I believe there is a certain amount of 'faith transistion' to believe in God and Christ, but not blind faith. God understands that we will question His will. It's totally natural. I do it all the time. What Christian doesn't. Why is there pain and suffering? Why is there death? Why is there a vulnerable spot in the male genetalia? lol Why does the new Metallica album have no solos? Well, many of these things are as a result of what happens in the spiritual realm meaning that some might come from attacks from satan. The follow-up question would be 'well, why did God let satan cause pain & death?'. The answer would be 'So that the person suffering would rely more on God as their saviour'. It's a test that Job went through in the Old Testament.

Anbyway, There's no way I can convince you with these words on a Nevermore message board, but maybe you will understand a litte better at least on how a Christian might view things. And some of those things, including creationism vs. evolution, one must take into account science, after all God created science too.
Okay, well, here is the way I see it. I don't believe that a god exists. Atleast not one that thinks, maybe one that just creates, but not one that thinks. So, this leads me to see Christians in a horrible light, because they condemn people and call them evil, when in reality, they are benevolent humans. It leads me to think that their religion has blinded the human side of them. They worry too much about others and not themselves. I say leave those benevolent humans alone, because in your belief they shall be punished when they die. There is no reason for you to condemn them on earth. Also, I don't believe in god, not in one bone of my body. I have come to that conclusion in my mind and in myself. No god has yet to reveal himself to me. I remember when I was a child, and my grandparents would drag me to church. I remember the preacher, who never talked about love and peace, but what you couldn't do, what was sinful, basically condemning everyone in the church. Saying what was evil, but what about what is good? What about inner happiness and inner peace? I also remember my friends, who were *saved*. I remember the fear that I felt. The fear of what if I don't get *saved*, because all I knew then was what people told me, and if I didn't get *saved* then I went to hell. I remember thinking why. Why should it matter as long as I am a good person? Why am I not *saved* yet? What have I done wrong? I remember asking for acceptance. Pleading every night in prayer. I remember thinking, what if I never get *saved*? I remember my cousin being *saved* and then members of my family asking "When are you going to be *saved*?" And do you know what I also remember, me asking him to reveal himself. To show me, to save me. Then, I grew older, and I realized what I had been doing was all in vain. I spent a full summer thinking about pretty much everything. Every possibility, and I realized then what I thought. I also realized that every *saved* story was different. "My heart was beating faster." "I didn't feel anything, I just knew." I then realized that these people had either brainwashed themselves into believing that they were *saved*, mistaken a simple thing such as a fast heart beat as a sign that they were *saved*, or they just flat out lied just so everyone would say, "Oh, you're such a good boy." I also realized that my grandparents and parents (although I love them) were trying to brainwash me into their religion, because they, just like many others, feel that it is the only one that is right. They think that if you don't believe in it, then you will go to their hell. I understand that they thought they were doing me good, but I take my mind seriously. I think for myself, I always have, and I always will. And them trying to make me follow their religion makes me see them in a malevolent light.
Well, based on what you've said it sounds like it was forced on you one certain way for so long that you refuse to believe or listen to any other theories related to Christianity. It can't be forced on someone. Because you've experienced or been conditioned into thinking that Christians are all about judgement and hellfire, you decline to look beyond your experiences and seek for yourself. God wants us all to think for ourselves, and not be blind sheep or lemmings following blindly. It appears that your 'seeking' God was clouded by your prejudice.

The act of being saved IS different for every person because everyone is unique. Some may not have a 'fast heartbeat' at all. It's not some magical euphoric transformation. The same problems are still there. Struggles ensue. But, the difference is you have God for guidance instead of total self-reliance.

I condemn no one as a Christian. It's not my place. Judgement is up to God alone. But remember, benevolence doesn't get one a place in heaven. It's all about acceptance, relationship, and belief in God through Jesus Christ as was mentioned earlier.

The only other thing I can say is to read the New Testament. Some parts might seem boring, but there will be things that jump out at you that you never realized. I think that will help much better than reading what i've got to say.

Again, I appreciate your sharing your thoughts, but i don't want to frustrate you any further.
No, not at all. I know now what I believe in. I always think for myself. I told you that I thought pretty much for I long time to figure out what I believed in. I looked within myself. I thought about how god could exist, and it just didn't make sense to me. It doesn't make sense to me that he has no beginning. Nor does evolution make sense to me. I have explained what I think, but what I believe is nothing, because when I truly think about it, nothing makes sense. I don't let people cloud my judgement. I was just stating how I felt about the people from their actions. Not that I don't believe in god because of their actions. I don't believe in god because he doesn't exist imo.
"but i don't want to frustrate you any further."
No, please do. I love to argue. I live to argue. It is just exciting to me to discuss and fuss with others.
The arguement has now been solved by a 5th grader.


"Cassidy Turnbull (grade 5) presented her uncle, Steve. She also showed photographs of monkeys and invited fairgoers to note the differences between her uncle and the monkeys. She tried to feed her uncle bananas, but he declined to eat them. Cassidy has conclusively shown that her uncle is no monkey."

IRIS>>>I didntr ask you to spread your legs for me. And i dont put any effort when i speak to you. IM POINT BLANK. I couldnt resist. ANd i could NOT give a rats ass about a fucking reputation. Fuck being cool as well. Im not trying to make anyone like me. I say what i say cause at the time i MEAN it.
I may not be proud as well. FAKE is the answer....

LOM>>>Good deal dude.

PYRUS>>>Im not in a flame war here. Not gonna be either...with Iris anyway.

FEZIILLA>>>here is a debate.....was JESUS MARRIED? I think so. To whom? Tell me what you think...if you will. If im not as boring to you as you are to me.

Also, tell me why a CATHOLIC priest should be married. Cause by the words of the bible they should be.

I have more for you if you try these. Lots more.
FEZZILLA>>>here is a debate....
2.)I think so. To whom?

3.)Also, tell me why a CATHOLIC priest should be married. Cause by the words of the bible they should be.

2.)Jesus was not married nor was He banging anybody.
3.)First off,Im a Christian and not a Catholitical Pagan.
Pagans can do what ever they want simply because they do not observe a moral guidline like the Christian do. Catholics claim they are christians yet do not practice any Christian beliefs. Catholic priiest like banging boys because they can't controll there desires. 2Cor.Chapter 12 explains love and marrage. It states that its better for a man to live without a woman.But its not a sin by any means to marry. So Catholic priest should marry,and marry the opposite sex only!!

I would like to make a perposal to everyone here on this forum. I want to ask two questions.But in return for that i want you to ask me two questions about the bible and christianity you don't understand.
Just ask me two though,for im limited in time.

Heres my two questions about evolution:
1.)Expalin the Big Gang.Was it a Big Bang or a Big Bust?
Expalin how nothing produced something out of absolutly nothing.
Explain the prabability of random chance.
2.)What happened to the Dinosaurs?
Did they all die,or did some live? To the best of my knowledge Dinosurs were wiped out completely. What do you think?