Example ..... STOP LISTEN LEARN - Fashion Scare


Real World's Mad Girl
this is a good example of what kind of trendy dickheads are in my college.
i found this trash in a computer room
i only wish i could have seen who wrote it.


Do you ever wonder about the way some young people dress these days? i know you have to feel comfortable in what you where but come on, these people need serious help.
does music determine the way that we dress, is it a requirement that listening to the likes of slipknot and Korn means that you have to dress like complete weirdos? it doesnt matter if its right or wrong, we all judge people by what they wear. first impressions mean a lot, what impressions do grungers and goths give? i can tell u not a good one.

They may be very nice people but the way that they dress can be a detterent to some, they feel intimidated and awkward by these groups of young people in their alternative clothing.
also boys and men with long hair, is there some protest that i dont know about or is it that they cant be bothered to get a hair cut? as high street fashion changes through the winter to summer collection, their dress code seems to stay the same black,black, and more black! i like black and all but not constantly all year round., introduce some colour for goodness sake! it won't hurt you, honest! and another thing that wont hurt you is a little sun, you're not vampires! now i know this sounds harsh but if the ball was in the other court, you would not hesitate to criticise, i cant say that it was last season becuase it isnt. is it a hobby for you to collect grease in your hair? is shampoo a foreign word? do u crave attention becuase believe me your getting it but for the wrong reasons. i believe in the saying ' dont judge a book by its cover' but this is an extremely hard thing for lots of people to do.
for those of you with this criteria what have we learnt?

ONE: colour is good and can be your friend . it can brighten up the foulest of moods.
TWO: you dont sleep in a coffin so the sun wont hurt you.
THREE: people do want to get to know you so smile
FOUR: shampoo is your friend not your enemy so use some.


what absolute pure and utter WANK!!!!!!!!

Comments please !
Do you ever wonder about the way some young people dress these days?

Yeah, those sad bastards who pay £50 for a TSHIRT that says Nike.

I know you have to feel comfortable in what you where but come on, these people need serious help.

They most certainly do.

does music determine the way that we dress, is it a requirement that listening to the likes of slipknot and Korn means that you have to dress like complete weirdos?

We dress like that because we LIKE it. Ive seen 54 loads of times and they arent always kitted out in black, laura escpecially.

It doesnt matter if its right or wrong, we all judge people by what they wear.

Youre a very physical person, and physical people are notoriosly shallow.

First impressions mean a lot,

Granted, but if someone is dressed up in goth gear, that doesnt make em sad... i think the goth look is actually VERY attractive.

What impressions do grungers and goths give?

That they have some taste in music?

I can tell u not a good one.

Thats Youre Opinion.

They may be very nice people

First decent thing youve said

but the way that they dress can be a detterent to some,

Then fuck them, some people like me/us for who we are.

they feel intimidated and awkward by these groups of young people in their alternative clothing.

I feel intimidated by 100's of yobs in stoke city shirts, whats youre point?

also boys and men with long hair, is there some protest that i dont know about or is it that they cant be bothered to get a hair cut?

And what if Gareth Gates had a long hairdo? EVERYONE would want it. Youre just sheep.

as high street fashion changes through the winter to summer collection, their dress code seems to stay the same black,black, and more black!

So??? I own loads of colours, but some bands only do selective colours, and i support bands/people that understand ME.

i like black and all but not constantly all year round., introduce some colour for goodness sake! it won't hurt you, honest!

I will when it suits me, i dont need a trendy telling me what to wear thanks.

And another thing that wont hurt you is a little sun, you're not vampires!

I happen to suffer badly in the sun, thatd due to a lack of fitness, nothing else.

now i know this sounds harsh but if the ball was in the other court, you would not hesitate to criticise, i cant say that it was last season becuase it isnt.

last season??? yet again, you prove you only look/wear how people tell you.. does that give you no shame??? We stopped the Nazis for the right of freedom you know.

Is it a hobby for you to collect grease in your hair? is shampoo a foreign word? do u crave attention becuase believe me your getting it but for the wrong reasons.

Im almost bald, so thats youre theory shagged, isnt it? And the majority of metallers i know have healthy hair... and DONT tell me all trendies have perfect un-greasy hair.

i believe in the saying ' dont judge a book by its cover'

Then start fucking acting like it.

but this is an extremely hard thing for lots of people to do.

Again, youre sheep & you cant accept we are DIFFERENT. This is as good as Racism you know.

for those of you with this criteria what have we learnt?

That youre a Bigot.

ONE: colour is good and can be your friend . it can brighten up the foulest of moods.

My kappa wearing friends get more tetchy then me... im remarkably laid back.

TWO: you dont sleep in a coffin so the sun wont hurt you.

I will, the question is, are you going to beat me up if i do?? A lot of metallers feel like this.

THREE: people do want to get to know you so smile

you think i havent got a sense of humour? id haveto to take this bullshit.

FOUR: shampoo is your friend not your enemy so use some.

I do thank YOU.

Additional, if youre lecturer accepted this, then he/she does not deserve to be a lecturer. Thank you.

Please Post this everywhere Cath.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I seen this type of thing for the last 20 years.

Just makes me laugh.

Right, I'm off to change my fashion code.
I've been heavy Metal for 20 years now, time for change.

Whats about then.
hhmmm...... Acid, house, rave, trance.

Now I'm confuessed cause trendie's change there fashions every bloody year.
I just could not afford a new wardrobe every year. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well said Tone, 100% behind you - I could'nt have put it better myself........I'll just comment on a few things as well though!!

what a load of bollocks - I thought that this was a free country???.....anyway:

NOBODY tells me what to wear in my free time, NOBODYtells me to get my hair cut except me......etc....etc........

"don't judge a book by it's cover"

well, why don't you fucking practice what you preach??????

is it a requirement that listening to the likes of slipknot and Korn means that you have to dress like complete weirdos?

.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad: :mad: I'd rather be a "weirdo" listening to decent music (ie METAL!) than wear £75 pound T-shirts and trainers listening too all this pop shit thank you very much :mad:

men with long hair, is there some protest that i dont know about or is it that they cant be bothered to get a hair cut?

..see first comment - and what is wrong with men having long hair you tosser??!...and I shampoo every other day as well, so that shoots your shampoo theory out the water doesn't it??


Thanks for posting that MG - shame you didn't know know who did it.....I think there would be a rather large queue of people volunteering to teach this bigoted wankstain a lesson if you found his/her name....

Okay... I don't just wear black and when I do it's because the colour suits me. And doesn't show up the stains on my local buses as much :lol:

I'm pretty pale because I don't tan. Believe me I've tried but it just doesn't happen.

And if my hair gets greasy or messy I'm normally near to tears! Can't handle my hair getting messy...

Whatever happened to live and let live..? We're happy so leave us alone!
umm i like my black tee..... but they do have colourful designs on em... and so much more interesting than paying 4x more to have sum1s name on it.... rather than imagies of death and distruction

and aint ya more intimidated by a bunch of crew cut football fans or those wanky designer shirted alco pop drinkin short haired wnakers on the street than a bunch of mini moshers? with too much gell in their hair?

I hate the stereotypical image of the "Metaller", the "Rocker", the "Grunger" and the "Goth", amongst other labels, which I choose to sit between. I agree with the Author on that point.

It is true that Korn and Slipknot fans are wierdos. They are wierd _relative_ to the Sheeplike herd who choose to follow whatever fashion is dictated to them by Cosmopolitan, and FHM magazine.

I'll admit, I started out consiously wearing black. I wanted to wear black, and grow my hair as a statement. That statement was: "I am not like you" - directed at my schoolmates, who were the stereotypical Essex sheep - craving similarity, and respect from their peers by having £40 labels on £5 shirts.

As I said, the Stereotype is a bad thing. If I really followed the stereotype, I'd have dyed black hair, piercings, and tatoos everywhere by now. I don't, partly because I choose not to deface my body, but mostly because I think that follows too much of a line.

Getting back on subject, the Author is obviously a herding animal, who has not yet realised our point:

We do not want to be like the majority. We choose to be different from that. Almost ironically, we end up following another similar path, but one with far more forks, and far less populated.

Tell me, where would you rather be? Lost in a sea of similarity, or strolling a road of diversity?
On second thought; this kind of stuff has always bothered me. But on the other hand they're talking about Goth's and Nu-Metallers, I'm a true metaller I just have long hair and wear black because I haven't bought clothes in 3 years.

Not only that, but I think that Goth's and Nu-Metallers (as well as some other metallers) wear what they wear because they're defined by fashion. The goal of my "statement" is that I don't GIVE A SHIT about fashion. Hence the fact that I wear the same clothes every day (not the SAME CLOTHES, but clothes that LOOK exactly the same). I am not defined by fashion, the clothes I wear you can buy in a preppy, trendy store. I don't, because I only buy clothing made in the US and all the clothes made in preppy, trendy stores are made in 3rd world countries which I think is horrible because of the abuse of workers.

I think the fact that we allow these people under our skin is just as bad as letting us under theirs, they get mad at us because we're not like them, and we get mad at them for judging us. Screw it, ignore them, and they'll go away. Remember, these people will spend their entire lives being sad, pathetic, mindless sheep. :rolleyes:

Not only that, I wash my hair daily, which is why it's in such good condition! :)
you got to admit, that guy has made a few good points and some things have to be respected as his opinion - but not they he wrote it.

'what you are NOT trendy?? you're a freak! nerd! loser! etc. etc. etc.'

all trendies must die! (hey wouldnt that be a perfect title for an Exploited song?)

Originally posted by Tony
What impressions do grungers and goths give?

That they have some taste in music?

sorry tony but in THAT point i have to take that guy's side :lol:
I think there are two different kind of people. The ones who live their own lifes and have their styles, and the ones who tries to look cool. No matter in wich styles or class, those false cool-ass are everywhere. These are the people that piss me off. If you like wearing 100 pennies shirts because you have the money to do so and you really like this, then you do it. But if you do it because your buddies does, then fuck off. I have respect for anyone being himself no matter how he dress... :)

ho, BTW, I have to admit that shampoo is not a bad thing either, specially on long hair!:p
ONE: colour is good and can be your friend . it can brighten up the foulest of moods -
As I discussed with lakis, thats why they made a GREY Area 54 hoodie. And I often wear colourful hawaiian shirts, anything that I feel comfortable in, not just because it says "I'm a big brand corporate fatcat and you are my whore" And i only really get in a foul mood as a result of trendy people anyway. Ever been threatened with being kicked in over £1? exactly.

TWO: you dont sleep in a coffin so the sun wont hurt you -
Ever heard of skin cancer? Some people burn very easily too, so think before you open your mouth, these are basic facts most people should know.

THREE: people do want to get to know you so smile -
Surely "trendies" are more anxious than us, as they just HAVE to have that shirt or those trainers that their friends bought, because they are in and the clothes that you bought yesterday are not.

FOUR: shampoo is your friend not your enemy so use some -
This is just pure bollock. I get quite self-conscious if i know my hair needs a wash. And as for growing hair long, I want mine long so it looks better when I headbang!!

If people were cereal, that person would be museli with loads of raisins and broken glass in it. The number of times people at my school have questioned my clothing is now too many to even bother me. YES, I do like to advertise bands, YES I do like black but also colours too, YES I do look different to you, but that makes me the person I am. I don't want to look like anyone else, my personality is defined by my individuality. It doesn't make me a different person if I choose the all-black look or if I wear onehundred pound trainers and nike tshirts etc. I would like to greet that person with a sledgehammer to his/her face. In true samurai tradition, one should breathe in and out seven times before speaking, thus giving plenty of time to think if what is said will hurt someone or if it is relevant to say at all.