The Metal in terms of fashion Thread

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Hip-Hop trends are gay. I dress nicely. A black polo and nice jeans . A dress shirt and black dress pants. I like to dress nice if you will.

Nice dressed woman are great.

Wow, I am super pretentious here.

Anyways, thought it was be interesting to post and bump.
The guy posted his patch jacket got me interested in that type of shit. So if you have patch jackets post it, but please yourself out of the picture.
What do you think of fashion trends? Meh, it annoys me when I know people will be embarrassed of pictures of them in their emo gear when they are like 30.

How do you feel about women who dress the same as gay men?
erm I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I HATE IT when women have hair styles that were originally intended for men i.e. Mullets and mini afro-mullet type things. Also short back and sides jobs.
Would dating a trendy girl go against your principles? no, but the more fashion concious she is the more I would expect her to hate the metal bands I like, which isn't ideal.

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you think a girl is pretty, but wouldn't approach her because of what she is wearing?
yeah, emos and scene kids.

Let's say you are browing MySpace. What strikes you about a girl for you to "choose" her over others?

ACTUAL INDIVIDUAL!!!! like a girl who just does whatever and she might even be a curvy (I'm old school like that, I don't do stick women or fatties) blue eyed blonde but she's properly into metal and she would be someone I could have a decent conversation / argument with every now and then about politics or something.

Basically if she looks hot but she isn't doing some annoying pose and has pretentious names for every picture and weird angles and pouts etc.

Oh wait one hugely important thing: I REALLY struggle to find women with short hair attractive at all, even if they are as pretty as Scarlett Johanson or something.

Stay away from the men's hairstyles please.
Calm down you shitty faggot. You've seen some bitch on fucking myspace and she was so ugly you couldn't fap that's no reason to write like two fucking A4s of RANT nonsense fagbullshit here. I love a girl that has short hair you know nothing and are useless fucking faggot and don't know fucking nothing so STFU and leave.
How the fuck did talking about what I find attractive offend you?

I love how people are supposed to be more secure if they 'get a gf' but irl they get super touchy about it.

All I did was answer the fucking questions.
I dress in black most of the time, my hair is long,. Fuck eveyrone who stereotypes based on my apppearance. seriously fuck tose cunts I kill them.
How the fuck did talking about what I find attractive offend you?

I love how people are supposed to be more secure if they 'get a gf' but irl they get super touchy about it.

All I did was answer the fucking questions.

I said fucking calm down.
who cares about their musical taste. some of the hottest chicks are emo. i would impale them instantly. just avoid the fat ones.
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