Eh. My roommate and I are really good friends, and I don't feel like going to a funeral for him.
If I hear that song one more fucking time I will kill somebody.
I'm glad I do not know what this song is.
That song by Soulja Boy isn't as bad as the one that goes 'AYE BAYBAY' over and over again. It is still bad, but not as bad.
I just think the idea of writing a song about "superman"ing someone is hilariousOH
my friend loves rap and shes always playing that damn fucking no talent piece of shit song. It's a perfect example of why I hate rap.
am I the only one who sees animosity between rap fans and metal fans?
it seems that both accuse each other of having no talent.
Well we are at extremes with each other.
i like some rap, like Immortal Techinique
He's awesome, but he doesnt rap about pointless shit like
"I'm gettin drunk in da club and i'm gunna fuck dis bitchh wit ma 12 inch cock YO"
no wonder I hate wiggers and other assorted race traitors.