The Metal in terms of fashion Thread

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I can't believe some of you don't shower daily, that's really quite disgusting.

Well, some of us aren't absolute pussies, y'know. I don't shower daily and if people have a problem with that, well they can just lick my hairy beanbag for all I care. That's how I roll.

but seriously, take a shower

oh and btw jeans are fucking awesome, i have 20 pairs simply because i wear them everyday. i turn them into shorts sometimes for summer, or skirts. and that pre-ripped shit... Come on people, rip your own jeans being a MAN!:lol:
but seriously, take a shower

It's not like I don't take showers. I take a shower every other day. If I need to I'll take one everyday but I usually don't think I need to. People are too soft and prissy these days. I'm fucking tired of these people.
Usually when I get told to have a shower I'll not have one for another day, just because I hate being told to do things. Pretty much the same thing happened with my hair - the more people moaned, the longer it got.

Strange, perhaps, but that's the way i am. When people stop moaning I start doing.

Though I did have a shower this morning, if you're all wondering. I'm home alone so there's no-one around to annoy me. Bar my dog. Who doesn't talk. For obvious reasons.

There is one bad thing about wearing tracksuits though. If you lose weight then they become very loose very quickly. Which means alot of pulling them up again whenever you walk anywhere.

Guess I need to buy another pair of combat fatigues...

Really, it's just that I get pissed off with people not asking politely. If they said 'please could you go have a shower' I probably would. If they said 'you stink, get in the shower now!' I'd just shrug and walk away.
It's not like I don't take showers. I take a shower every other day. If I need to I'll take one everyday but I usually don't think I need to. People are too soft and prissy these days. I'm fucking tired of these people.

im exactly the same, what fucking male showers every day, are you all fucking gay or something

i find that if push comes to shove and your gooch starts rancidly sweating you can always postpone social arrangements
I shower everyday. Not because of smelling bad or anything, just cause I have long hair and when I get up in the morning its all fucking knotted and shit, and the shower helps me get the knots out (and cleans my hair). Anyways, why the fuck are we all talking about showers?
because evidently lots of people on this forum dont know what the fuck personal hygiene is
Oh yeah, who knew bathing everyday was totally unmanly :Smug:

That's not the point. We're talking about these soft people who obsess about cleanliness. You don't need to shower constantly unless you work outside and you sweat your balls off.

edit: wait, nevermind. Bathing everyday is unmanly.
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