The Metal in terms of fashion Thread

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At cadet camp, when I was younger, this fucker didn't shower for two weeks and he smelt wretched. We gained up on him, and through him, clothes and all, into the shower, dumped soap on him, and guarded the exit to the showers to make sure he got fucking clean.

He didn't do his laundry either, so we threw it in the shower stall next to him and poured soap on it.
What do you think of fashion trends?
How do you feel about women who dress the same as gay men?


There are chicks that dress this way?!?

Were do I sign up?
I use a more freestyle method when it come to fashion. Levi Jeans, Regular white or black t-shirts and long sleeves. Nike air max or air forces. That is usually my routine. I have a few metal t-shirts but I rarely wear them.
You shouldn't need to be told that you need a shower.

Exactly. Yet I still do.

Think what you will of that, because I don't really care. They are my armpits, after all.

And if you think I'm bad, my step father is truely revolting. He doesn't wash his hands after going to the toilet, for fuck's sake.

But my personal hygiene is fine. I wash my hands, trim my facial hair and brush my teeth (nearly) every day. Just because I don't laver myself in aftershave and colone doesn't mean I'm dirty. I'm just more natural, tis all.

I got four hours of sleep and now I have o go to some place to get a helmet for some etc or some shit.

needless to say, I haven't gotten to take a shower yet. God damn scruffy beard and bullshit looking face of mine.
Exactly. Yet I still do.

Think what you will of that, because I don't really care. They are my armpits, after all.

And if you think I'm bad, my step father is truely revolting. He doesn't wash his hands after going to the toilet, for fuck's sake.

But my personal hygiene is fine. I wash my hands, trim my facial hair and brush my teeth (nearly) every day. Just because I don't laver myself in aftershave and colone doesn't mean I'm dirty. I'm just more natural, tis all.


Have you ever took a glance at the typical public men's bathroom? Be it at a school, concert, or arena... a lot of guys just rush out real quickly and don't wash their hands. I admit I've done this myself abut I've since broken the habit. :lol: Given our behavior there, and how most of us don't mind not showering daily... we're proud to be filthy. :kickass:
the people i know who smell like shit tend to be people who shower every day but also sweat like hell. i do neither and i smell like aphrodite's cleavage.
Have you ever took a glance at the typical public men's bathroom? Be it at a school, concert, or arena... a lot of guys just rush out real quickly and don't wash their hands. I admit I've done this myself abut I've since broken the habit. :lol: Given our behavior there, and how most of us don't mind not showering daily... we're proud to be filthy. :kickass:

Not washing your hands is disgusting, and I certainly wouldn't be proud to be

And since I've cleaned tons of public'd be surprised at how equally filthy women's bathrooms are to males'. The men's generally smell worse and are less likely to flush the toilet, but women seem to leave more paper towel all over the place, and those sanitary napkin containers are always filled with discarded 'female items' as if there's isn't a garbage can around...:yuk:
I never understood why people fail to put trash in the correct places, especially in bathrooms.

That pisses me off. I live in a dorm that is like 90% blacks (hooray racism!) and there is constantly trash in the bathroom and outside the front doors, and it pisses me off. The trash outside attracts bees and my roommate is deathly allergic to bees.

I hate my dorms.
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