
I have had the opportunity to catch them live. It was a great concert, Living Sacrifices second to last show. Anyway, they were incredible. One of the tightest bands musically I have ever seen live. As far as a favorite song I would have a great deal of trouble choosing only one..
""Christian metal" is bullshit. They're using metal as another medium to try and convert people. I guess the Christians weren't getting enough new members/money, so they had to infect metal too."

FUcking fool. Of course there are some fuckign evangelical christian idiots out there that try to convert everyone they meet, but thats not what christianity is all about. In no lyric does Extol say JOIN MY RELIGION or anything like that. They have strong beliefs and they find music a great way to express their beliefs. Religion gives them inspiration. Don't be so close minded and say something like that about all christians when you have no idea what youre talking about. I don't necessarily believe in a religion but you sound like a total idiot so i couldnt keep my mouth shut. I'm sure Aetheist metal would be alright with you?
Funeral Portrait said:
Yea totally, cuz they're making millions of dollars you know.
ofcourse they are! dont you watch southpark? geez. all christian bands make loads of money. didnt you hear when extol's new album went "muhr"?
Awww, I think I pissed off some of the idiots... It's only a message board, you know. :)
No, Varulv, you made me laugh instead. I think its hilarious that so many anti-christians preach tolerance to christians through methods of intolerance. Sure seems like a successful idea to me! Hahaha. :p
Ah, another one who takes message boards seriously. I don't really give a damn about "Christian metal", I just like pissing off the uptight Christians and the other idiots on this board. I succeeded, yet again.

I don't like what Christianity has to offer, thus I choose not to listen to any forms of the music (that includes Extol, but the main reason is because I don't enjoy their actual music). I guess you retards actually thought from what I typed, that I run down the streets yelling stuff like, "die Christian scum, DIE!!" That'd be kind of dumb, since I stated previously that the majority of my friends are Christians. But no, you're absolutely right, I'm soooooo intolerant. :rolleyes:
Well you can't listen to metal bands with christians in them, I call that somewhat intolerant, but it's your choice and I understand. Just don't say they don't have talent... (I know some of them plainly suck but Extol on the other hand)
What a bunch of fags. It's ok to praise Satan though huh fags? But heaven forbid some christians pick up some instruments and start jamming. That's taboo! Afterall they should be playing nothing but gospel music. Leave metal for the spawn of Satan :sarcasm: Is there anyone here over the age of 14?
Post_Scriptum said:
Just don't say they don't have talent...

I never said they didn't have talent. I said I thought their music sucked. Many bands that I don't like have talent; I admit that. I just don't like Extol. Since they're "Christian metal", I thought I'd bring in the "Christian metal" bashing just to annoy some of the uptight people. Message boards are fun. :)
Funeral Portrait said:
Varulv, you're offending no one. You're just a complete idiot.

He just likes to pretend he's offending people and being a rebel. People like you always make me laugh, Varulv, you're what's called "pseudo-intellectuals". Need a translation? :D

I don't like what satanism or atheism has to offer (which is practically nothing in both cases), but I'm not going to boycott all secular music or stereotype all non-believers because they don't agree with what I believe. If you're so scared the music will change your life, you need to think about how impressionable you are. Don't shoot something down because it's different. I'm also interested to know what Extol songs you've "heard". I will say that the new release - Synergy - really sucks, its terrible twist into punk/thrash. Undeceived is their best album, IMO.... I wonder what secular bands you like too. Korn? Slipknot? :tickled:
Who's pretending? If you people didn't care at all, you wouldn't be so quick on my ass calling me names and such.

I've heard everything up to and including Undecieved. I've listened to them quite a bit before, and many other Christian metal bands; I tried to get into them, but couldn't. I tend to stay away from Christian bands, but if I hear something I really like, I'll listen to it. No Christian metal bands have ever really impressed me that much, though.

Because I don't like Extol, that means I MUST listen to mallcore, right? A few of the bands I listen to, which are way better than Extol, are: Malignancy, Rossomahaar, Gontyna Kry, Spawn of Possession, Basiliskk, Sorcery, Dub Buk, Severed Savior, Blut Aus Nord, Bane of Existance, Copremesis, Wormed, etc...

I guess you people haven't ever heard of things called "opinions." It's a pity.