
If you weren't such a n00b, AllWithinMyMonster wouldn't seem so random and incoherent to you. That's just his posting style.

And no one's bitching here. You and that other dude gave a strong impression of disliking the band for their beliefs more than their ability.

Have you even heard Undeceived? What's the matter, the album not heavy enough for you? Too much singing? What's up with that? And those violin thingies...ew! Am I right?
Okay, then I'm sorry.

Differences are what makes the world great.

I just hope that you give a band an equal chance regardless of their faith. In the future. From now on.
Well, I don't get the whole Christian Metal thing, but I won't bash it, because some of their music sounds good. It's not my thing, and I certainly wouldn't support such an idea, but they are doing it, and they do it well as far as I can tell, so good for them.
Extol are brilliant. I own all their albums and have seen them live as well (amazing performance). I even have their logo tattooed on my arm. My favorite album is "Undeceived"; although, I do have a general affinity for each one. If there's one thing I tend to preach about Extol (no pun intended), it's this: pick up their EP's! The "Paralysis EP" is better than the "Mesmerized EP," but they both are definitely worth owning.
As far as their beliefs go, I don't mind. It's nice to have differentiation in subject matter. Metal usually gravitates toward doomsaying philosophies, and it's nice to listen to a band that doesn't subscribe to the norm. Variety is a good thing.
Don't worry. The fish crave you too. They want you in heaping gobs...with cherry sauce on top.

Catfish > Small Fish > Extol > Satan > Saddam Hussein > Demiurge
anonymousnick2001 said:
Catfish > Small Fish > Extol > Satan > Saddam Hussein > Demiurge

lmfao!!! :tickled:

P.S Anyone see Dawn of the Dead yet? That movie rocks!

"Hey get rosie odonnel" Next gentleman "Let's give him something more challenging. Burt Reynolds"

5 secs later

Ravishing_Grimness said:
Done yet? I think you should get Lord Ridley's cock out of your mouth then speak to me. Extol suck, that the end of it.Did i ever say i dont like christians. NO!, just said I don't agree with their ideals. Do you understand english?. Its my opinion, fuck you guys are funny and get mad over everything.Wha Wha Wha, bitch Bitch Bitch.Also your use of excessive profanity leads me to believe you're maybe what 9?. You're a waste of skin and air. Go do me a favor follow these steps

1.Aquire shotgun and shotgun shells
2.load shells into shotgun
3.place shotgun barrel in asshole.
4.Pull the trigger


*laughs heartily at the irony*
why is christian in metal a bullshit way of converting people and satanism isnt?
you know its possible for satanists to convert people to there religion too
fuck you stupid people that cant look past their religion and enjoy the good music
who the hell gets converted by extreme metal, you cant even make sense of his lyrics let alone know what hes saying
Funeral Portrait said:
it's my main language idiot. if you feel preached to by extol, then the same must go for bands like dimmu borgir for you too i take it?

put down the fucking lyric sheets and enjoy the music.
amen to that (it musta been extol getting to me that made me say amen)
*Yawn* It's all a matter of opinion. Some people were being asshole's (like me) just to get a rise out of people, others just don't like the music's message (also sort-of like me). Someone not listening to Extol isn't hurting anyone, so why is it such a big deal for some people?

Anti-Christians enjoying Christian metal seems kind of... dumb. It's kind of like a Jew loving Ad Hominem or Der Stürmer.

At least people weren't in here saying stuff like "FUCK JESUS!! 666! I KILLED GOD! CHRISTIANS MUST DIE!"