Fan pictures thread

I assume you need a digital camera to upload photos, correct? Well, if I can find one to borrow I would like to put some on here. I'm sure that possibility is exciting to everyone. HAHA!!! I am the "Wheel-Chair Assassin."
Negral seems like a really cool down to earth guy.

He is James!! Orion is quite the shy guy,but both are very friendly,after the gig wich also had Kataklysm and Aborted we went for a Kebab.. everyone was really nice..great gig!

Here's another silly one with the guys of Aborted,so much fun! :)

a powerfest pic of me with Kelly, too! :lol:

that was such an amazing time, i only wish i'd been more familiar with ND before going. all you guys have really cute kids! seeing all of them make me want to have my own little metalhead ... well, in theory.
Wow a whole thread with people being nice to each other. I mostly browse the forums for Opeth and what a bunch of dickheads they have over there, ND for the win!
Wow a whole thread with people being nice to each other. I mostly browse the forums for Opeth and what a bunch of dickheads they have over there, ND for the win!

Yeh this place is mellow...ive cut down on ther Opeth forum cuz i can't be botherd to deal with of the dickheads...

Me and my girlfriend and I believe some of you here may or may not recognize the other 2 :lol:
This was at the Biebob last year


Better pic of me
Who are those two masked men? :lol:

Yeah, this is a great forum.
Every now and then, we get off tagent, but it is always in good fun, and no bullshit of people insulting one another.
I was at a showthe other night and there was a Micro Paul there! This dude was basically Paul Kuhr only a foot and a half shorter. Damn the lack of camera!
Wow a whole thread with people being nice to each other. I mostly browse the forums for Opeth and what a bunch of dickheads they have over there, ND for the win!

Thanks for the kudos. We try to keep the forum friendly and relaxed without alot of fighting and negativity because honestly, who has time for that bullshit? I certainly don't. I do read the other forums on UM sometimes, and occasionally I'll throw my two cents in, but I get rather instantly turned off by the negativity and closed-minded crap I see over there so I don't bother with them much. The Opeth forum have some cool people who post there so it's not all bad, but unfortunately the hazzard of becoming as popular as that band has, is that you not only have many more devoted, cool fans but also you attract that much more of the clowns and detractors as well. I think we're pretty happy with how things are going with this forum of ours.

And if it starts getting overrun with morons, we'll have the Moderator shut this fucker down faster than you can blink, lol. :lol:
Melrose Place would've been better if Horgh had lived in one of the neighboring apartments.

"Horgh, quit leaving your stupid bullet belts and codpiece in the laundry room!"
"Oh, sorry. My bad. Want some cookies I just made? They have extra ravensnebulabutter. Hey, did you see that new girl in 3B making out with the UPS guy?"