Favorite Albums That No One Else Likes

Looking for a Job said:
then stfu. the music is obviously dumbed down. they use basic chords and song structures because the important part isn't the music, it's the lyrics and the image of whoever's singing. that's all that matters
and this isn't the case with a lot of metal bands? please. :lol:
not all pop deserves to be lumped together with other pop. Theres pop bands which are mature, older and just plain better than the majority of teen or trend pop bands which you find on MTV and whatnot.

bands like coldplay, U2, radiohead, bjork, and others are obviously FAR more important and valid than bands like blink 182, yellowcard, avenged sixfold, taking back tuesday, as i lay whining, douche stefani, G(ay)-Unit, and the like.

theres a lot of people who swear off anything even called "pop"...and only listen to REALLY tr00 bands like children of bodom, dimmu borgir and iced earth (:tickled: ). Either out of ignorance, or just trying to seem too cool for anything "gay and pop"...but it is indeed a shame.

Pop music is often pretty bad, shallow, and boring. But not all of it is...there are quite a few artists who are indeed popular for a good reason. The key is to just be open minded a bit...so you dont miss out on something cool.
NineFeetUnderground said:
not all pop deserves to be lumped together with other pop. Theres pop bands which are mature, older and just plain better than the majority of teen or trend pop bands which you find on MTV and whatnot.

bands like coldplay, U2, radiohead, bjork, and others are obviously FAR more important and valid than bands like blink 182, yellowcard... ...theres a lot of people who swear off anything even called "pop"...and only listen to REALLY tr00 bands like children of bodom, dimmu borgir and iced earth (:tickled: ). Either out of ignorance, or just trying to seem too cool for anything "gay and pop"...but it is indeed a shame.

Pop music is often pretty bad, shallow, and boring. But not all of it is...there are quite a few artists who are indeed popular for a good reason. The key is to just be open minded a bit...so you dont miss out on something cool.
right on.
bangadrian said:
:lol: ok ok ok.... i'll be reasonable. coldplay has some decent songs, but here are the real reasons i don't like them:

- they are unabashedly commercial without remorse
- the singer is annoying
- listening to their music, i get the sense of "well, radiohead got weird, so let's be what the public wants radiohead to be"
- they don't rock! this is the most important thing. the only album i've heard is rush of blood (in fact, i own it), so i can only use that as an example. take "clocks", "politik", or "god put a smile upon your face". these are well-written songs with nice melodies and whatnot. in the hands of a talented, artistically ambitious group, these could be great rock songs -- but they're not. they end up being dry, emotionless going-through-the-motions pop songs that are afraid of offending anyone.

so that's it. oh, and i almost forgot one of the biggest reasons i don't like them: they're outrageously popular. this isn't bad in itself, but it just enhances my bitterness toward them, because i feel they don't deserve this popularity

...ok was that better than "coldplay is horrendous"? :p

yes. you gave some valid reasons now...which i understand.

i however am more curious about their popularity in the sense that they dont seem like a band that tons of people would enjoy. they are a bit dry, theyre bleak and often depressing or at least overly melancholy for a pop/rock band...and semi repeticious on previous albums. all that being said...its surprising that many people like them to me.

i like them a lot...theyre a good alternative listening band for me most of the time, and have enough to offer me most of the time to be happy when i get tired of radiohead and other similar bands for the time.
let's see. i'll be red.
bangadrian said:
:lol: ok ok ok.... i'll be reasonable. coldplay has some decent songs, but here are the real reasons i don't like them:

- they are unabashedly commercial without remorsei disagree.
- the singer is annoying this is opinion.
- listening to their music, i get the sense of "well, radiohead got weird, so let's be what the public wants radiohead to be"opinion #2.
- they don't rock! this is the most important thing. the only album i've heard is rush of blood (in fact, i own it), so i can only use that as an example. they don't rock? from someone who claims to listen to jazz.... :err:take "clocks", "politik", or "god put a smile upon your face". these are well-written songs with nice melodies and whatnot. in the hands of a talented, artistically ambitious group, these could be great rock songs -- but they're not. they end up being dry, emotionless going-through-the-motions pop songs that are afraid of offending anyone.again opinion #3, and i disagree.

so that's it. oh, and i almost forgot one of the biggest reasons i don't like them: they're outrageously popular. this isn't bad in itself, but it just enhances my bitterness toward them, because i feel they don't deserve this popularity opinion #4, and who are you to judge who deserves popularity? popularity is such that if many enjoy a band, they are popular. you, as the minority here, have no right to tell those other people they can't enjoy the band because you don't.

...ok was that better than "coldplay is horrendous"? :p
what's better? how about "i don't like them." that's at least not objectable.
with his criteria for what seems to be his basis of what a band needs to have to "deserve the popularity"...practically no popular band should be popular. which i semi agree with his point of view as of lately. there are always exceptions...but if you take the top 50 bands right now in the united states...maybe 3-4 are even remotely worth listening to in my opinion. so on top of that, him not being a coldplay fan (which in my book is one of the 3-4 good ones), then it makes perfect sense that he dislikes the hype and build of coldplay.

but i do appreciate his honesty and saying that he feels they do have some talent and decent songs...because i do feel that is true...at least in the scheme of modern music. im not comparing them to the beatles, or floyd, or zeppelin or anything remotely like that. but ill admit its occasionally nice to be able to walk into a record store, see an album in the "billboard top 20" list, and buy it, knowing theres actually something on it ill like which isnt utter shit. in this case: coldplay.
bangadrian said:
also, i think the word you're searching for is "objective", smart guy
actually it was objectionable. my b.

i'm just saying that saying a band sucks because you don't like them, and based on that they shouldn't be popular, is kinda lame. at least you're being honest about it, and giving them some credit for talent.