Favorite beers


My Dark.

My Light
Have to agree with Notuern with this one. Love it.

I used to work at that brewery. I cleaned the fermenters. Dead Guy i
s definitely their top seller, but I much prefer their Brutal Bitter. Though I think they may have changed the name to Brutal IPA.

My other favorites are Stone's Arrogant Bastard, Deschutes' Red Chair NWIPA, and Ninkasi's Total Domination IPA.

Fuck, an Arrogant Bastard sounds damn good right now.
I'm currently drinking a Freetail Ale brewed just a few miles away. Anyone near San Antonio needs to try as many of their brews as possible.

there is just something about having the yeast still in the beer and the texture that makes it, that much tastier.

That's one thing that helped me appreciate Sierra Nevada's pale ale - before that beer I didn't care for hoppy things, the yeast left in the bottle for natural carbonation seems to round it out a bit and make it taste like 'a hoppy beer' and not 'a beer with hops'.

Already some Stone love in here, saw some Arrogant Bastard, which is a favorite of mine.

This is one of my favorite microbrews here in the US:


I've tried coming up with a recipe close to this when I homebrew, I had a good one a few years back that came close.

Right now I've got two cases of a Firecracker Red - basically an American Ale brewed with 2 lbs of Red Hots during the boil. It came out more pink than red, but the cinnamon taste is there. Good drink for hot days :-)
Russ, your Brooklyn image isn't showing.


Arrogant Bastard was actually the first beer I ever tried. (Part of the reason was that I thought it would be a good fit, but I was really trying to stop myself from picking up another expensive habit. It backfired.) Oaked Arrogant Bastard is worth the extra money, and I really want to get my hands on a few bottles of Double Bastard.

The Stone Russian Imperial Stout is amazing too.

I had my first Brooklyn Brewery beer this weekend. It was just the lager, but it was pretty good. The Black Chocolate Stout looks great.
T'as entendu parler de Dieu du Ciel? Y'en a une brasserie juste à côté de mon Cégep pis y cartent pas.

J'vais aller faire un tour à un moment donné que j'serai moins fauché. :)

Wep jnai gouté une dieu du ciel, mais jsais pu laquelle haha :rolleyes:

Ds le temps jhabitais a drummond yavait un dep a 5 min ak une crisse de grosse section bieres importées :waah:, a montreal les 2 deps a coté ya a peine de biere style molson, faq importées yont rien...faudrait jaille voir les deps chinois pas loin
Ouch, you chose the most awful market beer we have :lol: When you get the chance, try Karhu :)

Ive tried them all! ;)
My dad is from Finland, and we have been going to Finland each summer for a few years now.. and i always stock up on Koff, Karhu, Karjala and Lonkero. ;)

I think it might be because it was the first beer i really liked, so maybe its more nostalgia that does it rather than the taste.
not really a fan of Beer to be honest... aside from Bud (how terribly mainstream of me) this...


I'm eager to try the Arrogant Bastard though...