favorite drummers?

Flo from Cryptopsy

Vitek from Decapitated (RIP)

And Redin is right, those 2 from spastic and spiral. Alot of great drummers out there, so i really cant just name them all. And im sick and dont feel like it so tough shit. :Puke:
Flo's overrated IMO, really good, but overrated. There was a local band's drummer that OWNED him with his performance when they came to cambridge. And the new stuff is GARBAGE....RIP Cryptopsy
Actually, the new song they have on myspace is much better than the two I heard. THANK GOD! It's still a not my fav. Misses the great feel of None so Vile....
Christian Musich (The Secret)
Joe the drummer of Emmure
Shannon Lucas (The Black Dahlia Murder)
Ryan Parrish (Darkest Hour)
I love the drums in all bands I listen to..
Vitek :( Decapitated
Arsis drummer of course..etc
Dave Suzuki (Vital Remains)
Pete Sandoval (Morbid Angel)
Vitek (Decapitated)
Derrick Roddy (Hate Eternal/Nile)

And a drummer not in the metal scene, Shannon Larkin

Ill do this again...

I don't choose my favorite drummers for technical skill but rather based on style

Hellhammer (mayhem, dimmu, winds, arcturus)
Nick Barker (dimmu, old mans child
Bard Faust (emperor, aborym)
Alex Grind(despised icon)
Trym (emperor, zyklon, abigail williams!)
Daray Brzozowski (vader, vesania)
Snowy Shaw (kind diamond, dream evil)
Paul Bostaph (every thrash band ever)
Frost (satyricon, 1349)
Kai Hahto (wintersun, rotten sound)
Tjodalv on Revalation 666

Nick Barker with old mans child and dimmu

Vitek, because its all about the groove(what he told me in person lulz)