Favorite thread that has something to do with Symphony X?

Favorite thread that has something to do with Symphony X?

  • guess who's drunk yet still has more beer??? (official drunk post thread)

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Official Off Topic Thread

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Now Playing

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Your last purchase??

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lets have a pics thread :)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2008 Political debate thread

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
Reason why theres no Sym x talk is because 50% (if not more) of the people who post here don't even listen to Symphony X on a regular basis, and instead of going to other parts of Ultimate Metal forums where you'll be talking to either some 13 year olds who are immature or 30 year olds who know every damn thing there is to know about absolutely everything and will never ever change their opinion and be complete assholes to you if you have an opinion thats different from theres.

P.S. Ken and Meedly don't count because they're not 30, and DoomsdayZach doesn't count cause hes not 13 :yow:
Reason why theres no Sym x talk is because 50% (if not more) of the people who post here don't even listen to Symphony X on a regular basis, and instead of going to other parts of Ultimate Metal forums where you'll be talking to either some 13 year olds who are immature or 30 year olds who know every damn thing there is to know about absolutely everything and will never ever change their opinion and be complete assholes to you if you have an opinion thats different from theres.

P.S. Ken and Meedly don't count because they're not 30, and DoomsdayZach doesn't count cause hes not 13 :yow:
:lol: Well said. But I, for one, still do listen to SX on a daily basis.

...I picked the drunk post thread because someone once ended a message with "fuck yu." I'm too lazy to look up who it is right now.

And yeah... the reason for no more "favorite solo" threads is because during the wait for PL, that stuff was covered pretty extensively. Dig through the old pages - they can be good fun.
I'm gonna tell you a all secret.

I have had less than 100 Symphony X song plays during the last 3 months.


Serious, isn't it!!!

LOL! Me and Amanda (The Metal Chick) came up with that idea of the lyric game waaay back for the same reason that this very thread was created, because this board had gone down a path of having no talk of SyX. Of course it was during the early portion of that dreaded time of waiting for the new album of what later would be called PL. We even came up with some other SyX topics at the same time along with it.

I have gotten to the point to where I understand if nobody wants to talk about the band during such a non-active and slow time period for the band; however, I feel that certain threads such as "the official off-topic thread" and "your last purchase thread" defeat the purpose of a message board. Instead of people making a fresh new thread about something off-topic or something that they recently purchased they have to add what they want to talk about to a thread of 500 or more posts all talking about other things. For example, if I want to talk about a new CD that I bought and somebody here has already mentioned the same CD, it would be easier to discuss it if that person had made there own new thread about it rather than posted something about it randomly on the "off-topic" or "last purchase" thread where everything gets buried in everything else. Defeats the purpose of a message board and creates more of a chat room format. People DO know that SyX has an IRC chat room right?

well you rule! and whatever happened to amanda? i liked her, but she stopped posting after a while and disappeared. it was a good game tho, if it started back up again i probably wouldn't do very well coz i will have forgotten half the lyrics haha.

i believe why the OOT thread was created (by Zachus) was because there were so many random off topic threads popping up that people got sick of it, as it took too much away from SX discussions, so we thought 1 thread for most of the random stuff. It's not perfect but it's ok i think.
p.s. I haven't been on the IRC chat for years!

Me neither except I popped in there randomly some months back. When I was logged in I asked somebody I recognized from back when I used to go there regularly about Amanda. He said she still goes to the IRC chat somewhat regularly but he and her both had gotten bored with these forums.

I know she was in charge of the SyX Newsletter but there hasn't been one of those in a looong time so I don't even know if she still has that going on anymore? I would definately say that the pre/early Odyssey era was one of the best times here. There were so many people then that don't come here anymore.
I'm gonna tell you a all secret.

I have had less than 100 Symphony X song plays during the last 3 months.


Serious, isn't it!!!


I haven't listened to much SyX as of late myself. I got bored with PL pretty quickly; however, about a month ago I randomly listened to V and it once again totally blew me away. I don't think I have listened to any SyX album as many times as I have V and it still has not got boring to me. I would kill for the next album to be even close to as great as V was...
Part of the thing is that SX just isn't a very active band. Things here were very SX-based leading up to and after the release of Paradise Lost and back when I first joined and The Odyssey ws pretty new...but since most of the "favorite song, favorite solo, etc. etc." topics have already been beaten to death, there isn't much to talk about when the band isn't on tour or releasing a new album.
I guess it's alright that every single thread doesn't have to do only with the band. There's been plenty of other noteworthy, non-band related stuff happening lately. Plus, there is so much other music out there to share and discuss/debate about. Doesn't it keep things fresh?

I don't think I have listened to any SyX album as many times as I have V and it still has not got boring to me.

Same here. I also took a break from listening to Symphony X for about a month. After hearing Divine Wings of Tragedy again yesterday, it proved the "absence makes the heart grow fonder" idea to be very true.
Reason why theres no Sym x talk is because 50% (if not more) of the people who post here don't even listen to Symphony X on a regular basis, and instead of going to other parts of Ultimate Metal forums where you'll be talking to either some 13 year olds who are immature or 30 year olds who know every damn thing there is to know about absolutely everything and will never ever change their opinion and be complete assholes to you if you have an opinion thats different from theres.

P.S. Ken and Meedly don't count because they're not 30, and DoomsdayZach doesn't count cause hes not 13 :yow:

That's hardly the reason, though I sense an air of sarcarsm in your post.

Like others have said, there's only so much you can talk about a band. I've been in this forum since its inception and all the topics about SyX have been beaten to death. Off-topic threads serve the purpose of maintaining the forum alive while the band's on hiatus or going through a slow time, so I see nothing wrong with having a little nonsense going on in the forum.