favorite vocalists

I might check it out so, the sugar club is nice.

male - danny gildenlow (pain of salvation, garm/tricksterG (arcturus/ulver), mick moss, the cavanagh brothers, mikael akefeldt

female - sarah mclachlan, anneke (gathering), michelle richfield, heyley windsor, christina scabbia, amy lee
ah but it is :D, we all know youre pissed off see :D, id dont think calling you a kunt is witty or sarcastic in any way now :lol:
Crack Hitler said:
and by 'we all' you're referring to who? I think it's just you and your bigger than life ego that would love to think there is somebody who'd actually give a fock about your little e-bitching :tickled:

im loved & cherished by many people here :D ego?, i think you mean tools and achernar there mate :lol: though i guess we could throw you into that pile of shite too :tickled:
:lol: the crack has cracked! who said anything about jokes or unoriginality?, :lol: i know whats shite and pretentious mate, besides to us youre just a kid trying too hard :) now fuck off to your forum with yer e-buddies
ikeaboy said:
who said anything about jokes or unoriginality?, :lol:

I did.

ikeaboy said:
i know whats shite and pretentious mate, besides to us youre just a kid trying too hard :) now fuck off to your forum with yer e-buddies

Now, I've tried quite a few times to understand why it is that I should fuck off to somewhere else, since I've been coming here since the day 1. I'd still also want to know who are these other people you keep referring as 'us', cause only one I've seen bitching here is you.

I'm bored of flooding these good threads with our little e-faceslapping (even tho I am entertained at the thought of some poor fella making a total fool out himself - ah, that'd be you), so until the day you come up with some original insults (= not copying previous, now long gone, e-wankers) or reasons why indeed I should fuck off, I'm gonna stop replying to your third grade 'my father has a better job than yours' -type of nonsense and just continue visiting this forum.

