Favourite Black Metal Song

I dunno wot my fave bm song is.....of what 'tr00' bm i've heard nothing much really caught my ear other than the general atmosphere and feel itself; the individual songs for me seem to just melt away into an abyss of indifference. i mostly listen to the symphonic stuff and the stuff a bit better produced like emperor.

so although not the most devoted bm dude, the tracks that come to mind are Emperor 'In The Wordless Chamber', Graveworm 'Demonic Dreams' and Dimmu Borgir 'Entrance'.

I'm not saying any of it's proper BM!!! DON'T KILL ME!!!!!
Can't choose one, but it is either of these..:

Beherit - Salomons Gate
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards
DarkThrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Mayhem - Funeral Fog
Satyricon - Hvite Krists Død
Ulver - Capitel III: Graablick Blev Hun Vaer
Dissection - Black Horizons
Dissection - In The Cold Winds Of Nowhere
Dissection - Night´s Blood
Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie (the best one!)
Emperor - Inno A Satana
Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards
Emperor - Ye Entrancemperium
Emperor - Thus Spake The Nightspirit
Emperor - With Strength I Burn (maybe the best one)
Satyricon - Forhekset
Satyricon - Du Som Hater Gud
Satyricon - Mother North
Satyricon - Vhite Krists Död
quote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Originally posted by Board
Really, really easy for me: Burzum "Det som engang var"!!!!!!

I don't really know if it's deleberate. Why doesn't Satyricon, Emperor and so on have the same sound now as they had then? I think they couldn't afford a better production then, or they didn't have access to better studios. The poorer production may fit some records pretty well, but I think they could have gotten a better/clearer production, they've would have taken it.

Probably because they don't play black metal anymore.
I would say they still play black metal! Emperor have changed a bit, but I will still categorize it as black metal. I would say Satyricon indeed is black metal. They have changed too, but I think they just got more brutal and kind of skipped the atmospheric shit, which is quite a pity I think. But anyway, that's probably indifferent if you don't think they play black metal anymore, as this wasn't the point!
Dissection - Thorns of crimson death
Immortal - Blashyrkh mighty ravendark
Emperor - In the wordless chamber
Bathory - A fine day to die
Dimmu Borgir - Mourning palace (so what if its not tr00?)
I just bought Sons Of Northern Darkness by Immortal and damn I can't find a bad track on this disc...seriously incredible.
I would say they still play black metal! Emperor have changed a bit, but I will still categorize it as black metal. I would say Satyricon indeed is black metal

Emperor's new stuff is clearly quite Morbid Angel influenced metal but what they clearly aren't, is black metal. Satyricon's new can probably still be labeled as black metal though it seems like cha-zing metal.