Favourite Black Metal Song

Satyricon - Mother North
Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace
Old Man's Child - My Evil Relvations
Burzum - Det Som En Gang Var
Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards
Darkthrone - Black Victory Of Death
Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
Mayhem - Fall Of Seraphs
Dark Funeral - Open The Gates
Mine would have to be:

ANAAL NATHRAKH-Submission Is For The Weak
APOLLYON-Omnia In Majoram
HADES-Dawn Of The Dying Sun
SATYRICON-Mother North
EMPEROR-Ye Entrancemperium
MYRDDRAAL-Dumai's Wells

And a DARK FUNERAL song who's name I can't remember.
Again, like many others here, it's hard to choose just one, so here is a list of some of my favorites:

Dissection - Night's Blood
Emperor - I am the Black Wizard
Satyricon - The Dawn of a New Age
Taake - Part I (Bjoergvin)
Ulver - Capitel II: Goelen gaaer bag Aase need
some my other favourites are:

emperor - i am the black wizards
emperor - with strength i burn
emperor - ye entrancemperium

Dissection - where dead angels lie (one of the best songs ever written)
Taake - part 1 from bjoergvin
ulver - bergtatt capitel V (pure atmosphere)
Emperor - Ye Entrancemperium
Emperor - I am the Black Wizards
Mayhem - Funeral Fog
Mayhem - Pure Fucking Armageddon
Satyricon - Mother North
Immortal - pretty much anything off At the Heart of Winter
Dimmu Borgir - Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny (so it's not "tr00"...fuck off)
Dissection-The Somberlain
Dissection-Black Horizons
Dissection-Nights Blood
Dissection-Thorns of Crimson Death
Dissection-A Land Forlorn
Sacramentum-Blood Shall be Spilled
Naglfar-As the Twilight gave birth to the Night
Naglfar-12th Rising
Emperor-Thus Spake the Nightspirit
Emperor-With Strength I Burn
Emperor-Inno A Satana
Immortal-Storming through red Clouds and Holocaust Winds
Darkthrone-Where Cold Winds Blow
Darkthrone-A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Satyricon-Nemesis Divina
Enochian Crescent-Oceanus on the dry land
Satyricon - mother north

Emperor - inno A satana

old man's child - felonies of the christian art....just got this cd and can't stop listening to this song i think it's really good (yes i'm aware they are a black-death-thrash hybrid but i don't care.)

Cradle of filth - Cruelty brought thee orchids
(not true bm?? i don't care so don't post telling me like i give a shit)

Agalloch - i am the wooden doors
immortal - pure holocaust
graveland - fed by the beasts
nokturnal mortum - perun's celestial silver
abigor - eye to eye at armageddon
summoning - a distant flame before the sun
darkthrone - transilvanian hunger