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Dickhead? Who, me?! demz fightin' wordz!

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He's a big mystery to me. He emerged from nowhere, was even more active than you to some extent and then disappeared for good. Mysterious.

I thought Internally Deformed was a decent poster. He said he was going travelling so maybe he'll be back at some point.

Also MrTagoMago, who was almost single handedly keeping the controversial opinions thread alive.
MrTagoMago is everywhere on the internet. Right now he's been fairly active on RYM, and I see him pop up quite a bit on random YouTube video comments and stuff. I do wish he'd come back here.
I post the same shit on other forums, even worse than that actually on a couple, there aren't really any other forums that I use I can think of where it would be embarrassing. I am considering retiring 'HamburgerBoy' permanently when I leave the basement and live in a new city with a new IP address but I dunno, I've been doing this shit for more than half of my life now. If I relapsed and ended up making the same kinds of posts it would be trivial to connect the dots anyways so eh.
This board has had its ups and downs. I think the peak was around 2008-2009 with activity and shitposting.

I would say the activity is increasing now and people are coming back in droves. Maybe people are finally getting tired of Cuckerbook
i'd say the peak was like 04-06 or something, but you noobs wouldn't know. in fairness i'm pretty sure it's better now than ever in terms of average intelligence levels. you guys are such pricks you scare most of the dumbasses away.
I'm very fond of this forum, it's the only one I regularly come back to. Lots of great bands have been recommended here to me, also it holds some kind of sentimental value. I never really lasted on any other forums for more than a year actually,