Fellow members of the website you miss hearing

sloughfegkillers because he always made me laugh for some reason

Belligerent because he's easily the most insecure macho male that I've ever seen on the internet
monoxide_child. Not because he really added any substance to this forum or anything, but it was entertaining reading about how fucked up weird he was.
Yeah, but 9 out of 10 posts of his were complete garbage, and on the brink of being spam.

Spam? What was he advertising? How to get hit by a car regularly and somehow not die? The best way to wank to tranny porn in your local library without getting caught?
Ha, I used to chat with him from time to time on AIM. A curious fellow that one. I remember he was all about working out and always claimed to be really depressed.

One time he made this post about how he hated this guy and wished cancer on him and the guy got cancer.
I'm gonna go ahead and mention Krampus as well or Damromulans as she became known as.I enjoyed reading about all these quirky dance music bands and raves and stuff she attended and her solid advice in this thread.Also how open she was in discussing her fondness of anal sex which I found quite refreshing if such a term can be used in conjunction with that foul deed.Because if there's one thing this world is lacking its surely female metal sympathisers.