Female friends

me too. I'm not tall, I'm not stunningly handsome, I'm not wealthy, nor am I ever likely to be...but I'll be damned if I'll settle for second best, and I haven't. Gotta have some standards, or else:


snow2fall said:
That seems to be the problem: I don't want any of these guys. I'm picky. :loco:

hehe .. but they all want you.

you remind me of someone I know ... she was very picky ... next thing she ended up with a 44 year old when she was 27 :erk:
i'm picky too.

i want a smart chick with a nice butt and flat stomach who listens to alice in chains.
Well, too tired to read the whole topic, but I have female friends. Just like me, they drink loads of beer, listen Watain, At The Gates. Few of them have a loads of tattoos etc. I've never had any sexual interest towards them, more like sisters to me. I've never wanted to ruin friendship with that kind of shit and things has worked out fine. Hell, my old bands singer, she worked in some tittybar or something, but still she was just a singer for me...

And no, I'm not gay. :)
lizard said:
boy....good luck:erk:
i'm willing to compromise.

smart girl that i'm attracted to that listens to rock n' roll.

that shouldn't be terribly hard, although when i say "smart" i'm sort of specific. like she has to enjoy reading and going to museums. most chicks i meet just want to go to clubs, and the "smart" ones go to bars instead. and they don't like books or museums. AND THEY'RE ALL BLOODY DULL CUNTS.

oops, was that outloud?
Tranquillian said:
you should be glad they're dull, could cut your willie otherwise.

i'm only picky with girls that i'd like to have around for more than 6 minutes. flings and other mindless shit i could give a crap, if i can laugh with a chick that's all i need.
the last girl i dated had all the seasons of friends on dvd, but she gave great skull. so yeah, i completely agree.
that shouldn't be terribly hard, although when i say "smart" i'm sort of specific. like she has to enjoy reading and going to museums. most chicks i meet just want to go to clubs, and the "smart" ones go to bars instead. and they don't like books or museums. AND THEY'RE ALL BLOODY DULL CUNTS.


And you'd think having really low standards of physical beauty would make things easier, but noooooOOOOOOoooooo... :o
my summary of the thread:

men are decent people, if we mutiny against the penis.
purely platonic male friends don't exist.
women like men who are attached
women use sex to control men
snow2fall is picky
One Inch Man is picky
nobody likes dumb chicks