Try the following albums:
Atrox - "Terrestrials", "Orgasm"
Ava Inferi - "Blood Of Bacchus"
Battlefield - "We Come To Fight" (just an EP)
Chastain - "Mystery Of Illusion", "Ruler Of The Wasteland", "The 7th Of Never"
Détente - "Recognize No Authority"
Dreams Of Sanity - "Komödia"
Fear Of God - "Within The Veil"
Ice Age - the first five songs from this page:
Madder Mortem - "All Flesh Is Grass", "Deadlands", "Desiderata", "Eight Ways"
Midnattsol - "Nordlys"
Nemesea - "Mana"
Sacrilege (UK) - "Behind The Realms Of Madness", "Within The Prophecy"
The Third And The Mortal - "Tears Laid In Earth" and their debut-EP "Sorrow"
Znowhite - "Act Of God"
Bergtatt - "Røtter"
Stolen Babies - "There Be Squabbles Ahead"