First A.A. song.

My first ever Amon Amarth song was Pursuit of Vikings

I was looking up bands on Youtube one day and came across the video. I was like wtf this songs SUCKS. So i turned it off and listened to something else.

So a few weeks later my brother comes running into my room ands like DUDE YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO THIS! He played me Twilight of the Thunder God and I was hooked.
You really don't want to know the whole story, but basically, the one and only time I ever got so mad at Johan that I smacked him was over his annoying singing in the frigging car on one of those National Lampoon-ish family car rides. Oh, and then he tried to pull my hair, which is when all hell broke loose. After that, he didn't sing anything in front of me for a very long time, until he graciously gave me AA's first demo cd. My mom would not let me play it in the car, so I got back at her by way of locking myself in my room and blasting it on my stereo so loud I almost blew the speakers.
You really don't want to know the whole story, but basically, the one and only time I ever got so mad at Johan that I smacked him was over his annoying singing in the frigging car on one of those National Lampoon-ish family car rides. Oh, and then he tried to pull my hair, which is when all hell broke loose. After that, he didn't sing anything in front of me for a very long time, until he graciously gave me AA's first demo cd. My mom would not let me play it in the car, so I got back at her by way of locking myself in my room and blasting it on my stereo so loud I almost blew the speakers.

I need an update T.........:)
Agreed. My computer went down a while back, lost all e-mails and that. Will PM after the weekend - we're off to that foreign country south of the 49th to look at some old skeleton. The week after that, we're off to Sweden for two weeks for family visits and research. I'll make sure to update!
My first song was DEATH IN FIRE live at Graspop!
First album I owned (now, off course I have everything); Once Sent From The Golden Hall
Anyway, I became a fan immediately and since then I've seen them a lot!
Next time: Full of Hate the 8th of march!
Death in Fire!!!!!
Bleed for ancient gods was on a cd that came with the Swedish Close-up magazine. It must've been in 99.
My first was Versus The World. Friend of mine was playing it and the genre said it was Viking Metal so I asked him about it, he sent me the song, and I was hooked. Bought everything I could the moment I could.
first was Runes to my Memory. i didnt like it. it wasnt time for melodeath for me. fast forward many months and ToaTG kicked my ass. The Hero raped it tho. Embrace of the Endless Ocean and Under the Northern Star make me want to weep
One weekend I was sitting in the studio listening to a group of 15 yr old's playing some good tunes, with the singer loosing his voice cause he was trying too hard. My father yelled out in between takes, breaking their conversation of styles, "style hell only if you could play something masterful". So getting all fired up they played a Slim Dusty favourite with speed metal style, and said, "Now that is style, pity you cannot play that good!" All laughing and my father quite gobsmacked that they knew a Slim song let alone play it.

They turned to me and asked what I liked, well it used to be called simply Heavy Metal but alot of the new stuff is missing the warm rhythms and melodic pieces of old. Said I was going into town and would find something to explain.

So I jumped in the car and found Victorious March in the local music store, and listened to it 4 times over while I drove home.

By this time the guys had gone to the pub for a break, came back while I was listening to it and jointly said, "That's fucking cool, who is it?"

Don't know, some guys from sweden, can't stop listening to it.

A week later I listened to their finished demo, and they had corrected a track and stretched it out with alot more rhythm. Smiling I said, now that I like, well done guys!

I jumped on the net and found out which other albums were out and ordered them. Repeatedly the local store said it was outta stock, so I bought them all (finally) just before the tour down under. Fuck what a wait, even beats waiting for the devorce papers tension.

I think we're some of the biggest AA fans in the valley, whenever we run into each other, we're all playing AA in at least one of our cars. Even my father is always saying, "now there's a catchy tune" and I just laugh and a smirk back in dual appreciation of great music.

hmm Victorious March on a Metal Blade Records compilation back in 98. Became my favourite band since then

Go figure :Smokin:
The first Amon Amarth song I ever listened to was Pursuit of Vikings, and it was around when I first started listening to metal in general. I found the song in a fanmade music video for an anime. Needless to say, I was hooked, and proceeded to buy anything AA!