First Nebula Test!!!

Ok, here's a really quick test: - Singularity (Nebula test).mp3

And Marcus, thanks a ton for putting so much effort in this!

I have no money left after all these purchases! Just jumped on nebula 2 and put the almighty Marcus preset :notworthy into nebula and holy fuck! I'm in love, am I nuts or does this feel like the speaker is moving back and forth instead of just staying still and stagnant.

I hear you bro, I'm now utterly fucking broke. Well, thank god I've got a girlfriend who has money :D
Nebula free doesn't load presets created with Nat. You need at least Nebula2 (32 bit) or better Nebula3 (64 bit).

Regarding sampling, for those who are interested in sampling with Nat and need support the better way is to add me as a friend on facebook or on MSN.

Facebook : Francesco Lipilini

In this way we can chat in real time and i can guide you through the sampling process.
Hey Jarkko, glad you (and Jauernis) are digging it! Tones sound good, though it's hard to tell with the synths so loud (at least they're playing sweet stuff though :D) I think the reason the Nebula file (b, by the way) sounds so different from the impulse is that since I selected the "Distorted Preamp" session template, it probably was going for coaxing distortion out of the power amp/speaker, hence the greater amount of upper harmonic content. Tomorrow I'll try to get one more neutral, but I still think this is pretty cool!
Which is the impulse and with is the Nebula samples out of A and B? Both samples have a fairly loud background sound that you might want to look into.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the upper strings ringing out, this was just an old scratch track I had lying around :D (my EC400 with an EMG81)

And in my haste I forgot to mention this, but thank you all so much for your support! Especially Mulder, FET, iekobrid, abyssofdreams, Moonlapse (of course ;)), RockguitarX, spioraid, Blackbird, tdr, 006, and jhakwe for much needed financial support! :lol:
Also, here's a pic of the setup - I've professed my preference for bottom speakers in a slant cab on many occasions, BUT, just for you Ermin, I got the cab off the floor so there was no risk of pesky comb filtering :p

Ahh so you finally did it. Big thanks to Marcus - appreciate the thought re: raising the cab :).

I was out at the studio all day so I missed the action here.

Upon first listen I have to say I thought Nebula was actually sample 'a'. I didn't get entirely blown away, but I think that could be due to Wagner Sharp's influence. I kept listening for that high mid grain which sounded very static. If I can get an amp in here sometime soon I'll have a play at running it direct in and see how Nebula handles it. I just spent a day blowing the arse off a Stiletto cab with a 6505, so I may not be in the best place to be judging at the moment. I wish I brought the amp home with me so I could give Nebula a spin using the same tracks I just reamped with a real cab.

Look forward to more samples from people, and of course I'll eventually get around to posting my own dabblings with it. In the meantime, keep them impulses coming Marcus :)
You mind sharing your tss and revalver settings? Also what pick ups did you use?


Drive 0
Tone 8.5
Level 5

6505 preamp, lead channel, high input
Preamp gain 3.38
Low 8.02
Mid 1.82
Treble 6.62
Post gain 10

I used my ESP LTD EC-400 with EMG 81 in the bridge position directly into the instrument input on my Profire 2626.

How did you setup Nebula? I mean what settings there?

I might sound like an utter noob and somewhat of dick saying this, but the Nebula UI is really, really painful to use, so I just put the plugin on the guitar tracks and loaded Marcus' sample into it :D