First Nebula Test!!!

no, I agree, it is fucking painful to use! and I'm not a noob myself...
how did you load it?
I put the files in their respective folders but how the fuck do I load marcus' files there?

Are you using the free version? It can't load any custom samples. Nebula 2 costs 20 euros but it seems to be worth every cent :) Just extract the .N2V to nebulatemprepository/Vectors and .N2P to nebulatemprepository/Programs. Then fire up Nebula2 in your daw and click on CAB on the right side of the touch screen. The sample should appear on the left where you can load it.
If you are interested in sharing what you sample for free you can go to and create torrents and post it there under section AMP or PRE.

You can share your presets in this way with other users using bit torrents and it's competely free.

For more informations there is a tutorila on how to create torrents on that site and you can PM Velinas there that is the admin of the site.

I just bought nebula3 and I'm sorry to ask this, but how do you get nebula to work? :erk:
I tested your "normal" impulse to get a reference to what the nebula one should sound like, but when i open nebula and load the impulse (other than eating my whole cpu) it almost sounds like a 50-50 blended impulse/raw tone. What "settings" are you guys using, where do you keep the Attack/Release/Drive/Liquidity?
Could anyone share their .fxb?