Forgotten and underrated games thread

I'm gonna agree with the Aggressive In line and Beyond Good and Evil. Now I'm gonna add another game that is recent. ESPN Baseball. I rented MVP and All Star then this game and loved it compared to the others. Graphically, the other games are better, but the game play in ESPN destroys the others.
Argh, I've been meaning to buy Skies of Arcadia and Beyond Good and Evil for quite some time now, but I keep forgetting. I keep reading about how they're great underdogs, so I must play them.
Fuck Skies of Arcadia is like 24 bucks brand new at Gamestop but it looks too "3D new age RPG'ish" but I hear nothing but praise for this game...and I need an RPG right now :(
Here's two games you guys may know. How about Phantasmagoria and the 11th Hour. I swear to god I couldn't get past the first riddle for 3 months. That game definetly was the hardest game I have ever played. You had to know stuff. I am not good at knowing stuff.:tickled: Phantasmagoria was a bit easier, but it actually creeped me out (since I was only 8 or 9 years old at the time.) That was back in the glory days of 5 to 7 disc RPG/adventure games.
I finally bought Beyond Good and Evil (around here, Skies of Arcadia is either not to be found or is more money than I feel like spending) and while it's quite good, it seems like it's going to be short as hell. I'm maybe 8 hours in, and I think I'm approaching the finale. That's not cool.
Skies of Arcadia is probably the best RPG I've ever played. So much fun. So awesome. I haven't picked up the Gamecube version yet, but since I have the summer off from school I'll probably get it soon.

Trev, are you looking for the DC version or the Gamecube one?
Gamecube version. I found a used copy yesterday for like $56, a price which resulted in a prompt "fuck that."

On the other hand, I picked up Otogi instead and it's pretty awesome and would classify as an underrated game for sure, so all was not lost.
Damn. Definitely keep your eyes peeled for a cheap copy!

What platform is Otogi for?

I'm replaying Chrono Trigger and though it's definitely not forgotten or underrated.. it rules.
Otogi is for Xbox. Apparently it resembles PS2's Shinobi in several ways, and seeing that it's published by Sega it very likely does. It's basically a mission-based action game where you play as this semi-godlike ninja dude, but what I really like about it is that just about everything in each mission's arena is destructable, and you get rated on how much destruction you cause. And, since you are a god of sorts, you can send enemies flying with your more powerful attacks, blasting them through columns, buildings, trees, or whatever else is in the way, making for a very neat effect. It's like Blast Corps mixed with Shinobi, which is rather spiffy.
TrevJ said:
Gamecube version. I found a used copy yesterday for like $56, a price which resulted in a prompt "fuck that."

On the other hand, I picked up Otogi instead and it's pretty awesome and would classify as an underrated game for sure, so all was not lost.
$56 for a USED copy? Where the hell are you shopping?

I don't think there are any Gamecube games that cost more than $49.99 (+ tax) brand new.