Forgotten and underrated games thread

Yes, EBGames in Canada aren't exactly known for their low low prices. Their list price for a new copy of Skies of Arcadia was $74.99 if I recall correctly.

Well maybe I'll pick it up, I was actually tempted to wait until Tales of Symphonia came out. But I'm going to the mall on Tuesday (as well as guitar center too look at some PRS's :p ) so maybe Ill pick up Skies.
7th guest was good and its follow up 11th hour, thief was great, i used to get too into it and it fucked with my head haha,those damn zombies and undead,but i heard they left them out in thief 2, messiah was good even though the gameplay was a bit too linear, i'm currently playing deus ex and its cool! theres others but i cant think right now
Heh Silver was fun, until you realised that each "boss" was just a remake of the older ones :P
little big adventure PWNZ ALL OF J00!!! ;)

My game to recommend:
DUNE 2000!
We are part of a dying group who play online lots and lots. Lately it's been a bit quiet :(
Anyone who has this game please come online and play with us!!! It's 6 years old and still games everyday! View stats here: click stats
Anyway, I've never found an RTS that is better, tried games like generals and they just lack the speed and gameplay of dune2000. I LOVE IT!!!
Shogun: Total War still freakin rules even though it's going a bit underground nowadays. Now that Rome: Total War is coming out, Medieval: Total War will follow Shogun: Total War's lead. STW was so cool though. I love seeing the battlefield covered in those little 2-D sprites!