Forum Awards

I'm the last good newcomer this forum had, I think. Everything after me has just been shit! :o

Well you've set the bar pretty high. Obviously everybody who joined after couldn't look good.

And I suggest adding the almost old school poster who basically reads most topics but rarely contributes award. That should at least give me a chance at winning something!
Evening ladies and gents.

Surely we could add more awards and make it an uber award ceremony? I don't really think that the votes should be private, we should all decide on all of the awards and then everyone posts their answers in the same thread, a time is set on the closure of the nominations and then the votes are counted... I've been a part of some of this award ceremony malarky before.

Additional categories (including current categories) that I came up with:

Most valued poster:
Best debater:
Most helpful:
Friendliest member:
Funniest member:
Most knowledgable:
Most popular member:
Least popular member:
Most likely to be involved in an orgy:
Most likely to be involved in gay orgy (no homo):
Worst poster/mega troll award:
Best newcomer:
Best couple:
Worst possible couple:
Hottest Female:
Hottest Male:
Person most likely to be convicted of rape:
Most sarcastic member:
Most egotistical member:
Member most likely to be successful:
Member most likely in ten years to still be "hanging out, playing Nintendo":
Member most likely to go to prison:
Member most likely to rule the world:
Ultimate Metal Warrior:

more suggestions welcomed, if everyone agrees to do it this way at least a wider variety of members can have a better opportunity of winning awards.
I think CC wants to keep all the categories positive.

It's a bit of fun... Where's everyone's sense of humour?

I'd be surprised if people take any of the votes against them seriously...

To counter that, we could make a rule that no one is allowed to say anything about the votes in the thread, you're only allowed to post your votes and that's it. That should nullify any attempts at a particular member bitching at another.
Thanks for the suggestions Bateman. However I want to keep this simple at first as well as positive. We've all had enough trolling.

So you want to get this started? Great! PM with at most 2 people that you think should win the Friendliest award. I'll take the top 5 people nominated and make a poll.

I will edit the first post with this info. Check back to that post for updates.