Forum suggestions

I'd suggest:

General discussion/Metal News/Sneap fanboy area (I guess I'll be in there alot)
Production techniques
Computers, Daws, & samples
Listening room / critique
Hammer Bart said:
Yes and a subforum for 'Mac vs PC' that, upon clicking, opens the nsync forum while making the crazy frog tune blast out of your speakers as a warning. Upon a second attempt to click that subforum, you will automatically subscribe to Jack White's guitar and vocal instruction newsletter 'the Shite Wipes'.

jk :Spin:

best idea EVER

also: somewhere where the C4 settings, andy's samples and whatnot are STICKY threads so we don't get a bunch of noob fucknuts constantly ignoring the search option like all noobs do.
oh yeah, and with an ask andy section it should be post thread only to regular users so that someone posts a question, we get andy's answers and theres no discussion from everyone else, which goes in a different free for all forum.

That way one can better distinguish between the "professional opinion" and the "by hook or by crook" methods fools like me employ :D
I think it should be a basic setup, as there isn't too much traffic in this room alone, compared to the other forums I post on.

Something like this would work for me, but im very flexible:

Recording Gear (PC's, mic's, pre's, etc.)
Tips n Clips (Tits n Clits as we call it on other forums :D)
Off Topic
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
best idea EVER

also: somewhere where the C4 settings, andy's samples and whatnot are STICKY threads so we don't get a bunch of noob fucknuts constantly ignoring the search option like all noobs do.

Or: First the webmaster should take the C4 setting GUI as a background pic in HTML and second generate a 'Get Andys Samples' button.:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
DSS3 said:
I think it should be a basic setup, as there isn't too much traffic in this room alone, compared to the other forums I post on.

Something like this would work for me, but im very flexible:

Recording Gear (PC's, mic's, pre's, etc.)
Tips n Clips (Tits n Clits as we call it on other forums :D)
Off Topic


recording/mixing/mastering (this could be all to do with including gear)
guitar and bass crap
random dumb shit (wich can include "has anyone heard the new...")
listen to this clip

although i dont oppose a 'Nitronium blood Café'
DSS3 said:
I think it should be a basic setup, as there isn't too much traffic in this room alone, compared to the other forums I post on.

Something like this would work for me, but im very flexible:

Recording Gear (PC's, mic's, pre's, etc.)
Tips n Clips (Tits n Clits as we call it on other forums :D)
Off Topic
+2 , after mendel :D . and besides those an "ask andy" section and of course the nitronium bood cafe section :D
A problem with having categories like "drums" and "guitars" is that you're gonna have a lot of threads that belong in both categories. That Arch Enemy thread from like July was fricken awesome, lots of killer tips, but what kind of category are you gonna put that sucker in? Anyway, just a thought.
Ok check this out:
2)5150 vs. All
3)Ask Andy and James
4)Andy's C4 and Drum Samples
5)Behringer Eurodesk Haven
Alright, Ill go with...

A) Dedicated to gear itself... reviews, ramblings, musings, questions, comments, concerns about these strings, pickups, plugins, etc etc

B) Technique and production, as well as some live sound theory thrown in... anything pertaining to the USEAGE of the gear, instead of just the gear itself

C) The aforementioned "check out this new clip" forum

D) General OT bullshite

Those are just the opinions and suggestions of the Elder Statesman =P

J the TyranT said:
Alright, Ill go with...

A) Dedicated to gear itself... reviews, ramblings, musings, questions, comments, concerns about these strings, pickups, plugins, etc etc

B) Technique and production, as well as some live sound theory thrown in... anything pertaining to the USEAGE of the gear, instead of just the gear itself

C) The aforementioned "check out this new clip" forum

D) General OT bullshite

Those are just the opinions and suggestions of the Elder Statesman =P


This, plus a forum for the stuff no one can seem to find on search and would even miss in the appropriate forums as listed above. I guess that's the Andy Sneap Forum proper, with the c4 and all that stuff that gets asked after a lot, perhaps with an ask the master option.
J The Tyrant's suggestion makes the most sense to me so far.

My main suggestion is to have a FAQ thread in one or more of these sub forums with things relevant to posters, such as the C4 settings, the EQ guide, OzNimbus' drumguide etc.