FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! (Heathen Crusade II social/quotes/picture thread)

:lol: at these pics

Swizzlenuts got pissed at me for not taking a piss next to him early in the evening. As the night went on we wound up in the bathroom again an he literally yelled "Let this fucker piss with me!" and I had to oblige since he gave me shots of whiskey randomly throughout the evening :kickass:

Good fucking times.
My fav quote of the entire fest.

Myself introducing the lead singer of Manetheren to Climb Thar.

"Hey Mike, this guy hates my pals too"

Manetheren vocalist - "It's true, I do.

Mike- "Oh nice"
:lol: at these pics

Swizzlenuts got pissed at me for not taking a piss next to him early in the evening. As the night went on we wound up in the bathroom again an he literally yelled "Let this fucker piss with me!" and I had to oblige since he gave me shots of whiskey randomly throughout the evening :kickass:

Good fucking times.


:kickass: :kickass:
When Earthen was on stage, their lead singer, which is a female, had a really tight Agalloch shirt on. She had a bit of a tummy so it was showing. She said their last song was going to be HEAVY.

So, I replied, "Your Heavy!" "Oh shit!"

Hopefully that doesn't make it on the DVD for Heathen Crusade II.
:lol: hair got messed up from too much headbanging....

Where did you get that picture from? That girl is a writer for a magazine, and she was taking tons of pictures. I'd like to see them.
long live the Canadians room of 722

thats me with the flag on

amazing that with all the peopel we had in there nothing was broken or anything. juist goes to show you what fine people metal folk are.

I have a video of you fuckers rocking out to Amon Amarth. You guys are good canadians! :kickass: