
Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
My nose is completely stuffed up on one side, running like crazy on the other, and I'm stuck in that "I'm about to sneeze" twitchy weird feeling but i never sneeze and its constantly like that.

Fuckin sonobitch
Anybody try that neti pot or whatever it's called?
I'm really considering getting that and just blasting the shit out of my nasal passage because this is just nuts
Anybody try that neti pot or whatever it's called?
I'm really considering getting that and just blasting the shit out of my nasal passage because this is just nuts

My roommate will use one when he has a cold, and yeah he swears by it.

I've never used one, and I've struggled with summer allergies since I was about 12. I just use Reactin pill, I'll take one and I'll feel fine for days, usually only flares back up on really hot humid days with no wind.

Though Its affected me less and less the past 3-4 years now, I've taken two pills this year for summer allergies, the rest have been due to cats :(
Geez. Weak genes representin', much?

No allergy whatsoever-man reporting in. Just keeping it cool yo
in my whole life i had 2 allergy crisis, that lasted only for a day. I don't know what caused.
Yeah it has been stuffed up all day and runny. driving me nuts.

I went out and got a Nedi Pot today but It wont work because the one side of my nose is completely plugged and wont come unplugged.

Tried hot sauce straight too, just sucked real bad lol
This summer has been rough for me. My whole life I've never had any sort of allergy problems and suddenly my nose is getting raped by whatever is in the air. It's constantly runny and when I sleep it gets congested on whatever side I happen to lay on so I wake up sounding like Darth Vader.