funny pictures thread!

hmmmm i am torn here, see.....the policeman used more force than necessary, but they were obviously trying to apprehend someone for a crime.....and this other person was obstructing them, like a beligerent bitch

It was not unreasonable force, he needed to get her off the suspect a.s.a.p.

Slapping her wasn't the best idea but using a weapon would be unreasonable force.

When a cop is performing his duty you mustn't obstruct them, so when it goes to the courtroom she is in the wrong.

After the slap he stopped so she can't claim self defence.

She then started to fight him and didn't stop, (assaulting an officer) he did what was necessary to defend himself (the punch) and to bring her to an arrest.

Edit: viewing it again, she actually did stop for a moment before he punched her so technically not a proper self defence. To claim self defence the threat has to be immediate and/or imminent, once a person stops you can't hit them in self defence, then it becomes pure revenge.

Had she minded her own business and let the cop do his duty she would not have been detained and/or arrested for assaulting an officer.

so you would say this was correct also?.

That is pretty stupid, the guy says he doesn't live there so he's trespassing.

It's all going as per procedure but gets out of control because he doesn't co-operate. If he then starts to put up a struggle the police have to use appropriate force in order to detain him.

Had he co-operated, they would've walked him inside or stopped him to check ID etc. then told him to get on his way.

Some idiots unbeknownst to themselves are just looking for trouble.

The best way to not get fucked up by the cops: Be cooperative. And to whoever said something about the police in the US being out of control, that's a bunch of shit. Like everything in the US, you only hear about the bad. The cops that all do their job correctly, well no one cares about them. I even had one let me off on a warning for 2 different things he could have ticketed me for.
I even had one let me off on a warning for 2 different things he could have ticketed me for.

I've also had this experience in Aus. if they can see you know you're at fault and it was a minor slip up they sometimes let you go, sometimes they don't but if you fight it you make it worse.

I got done doing 100 mph in a 75 highway zone in Arizona. I was driving a Mustang so it could've been seen as stolen. The cop approached from the rear of my car with his hand on his gun. I can't blame him but I sure as hell wasn't going to put up a stink and get arrested.

I pulled over on the wrong side of the road too. :lol:

I copped the speeding ticket, I was pissed off more at myself but it all went smoothly. I was supposed to go to court but flew out of the country before the set date.

I know the guy said No at first but fuck me who would have think the cop would kick the living shit out of him (there are pics and the case is on court right now), that's ridiculous and correct me if I'm wrong, out of procedure, the guy was filming, not pointing a gun at the cop, when he said later it was actually his property then the cop should have asked for an ID, not taking him down when he was screaming it was his property, if that's the normal US police procedure then it is indeed a police state... the guy said he was filming the faces of the kids that got arrested in front of his house in case his neighbors wanted to use it for whatever reason, those kids broke in his neighbor's house... now, co-operate? I can co-operate giving you my ID and answering a question that what I'm doing or whatever but a cop can't arrest you just because you "resist to be arrested", that was the cop defence ffs! that's idiotic and to justify such behaviour is just outrageous... and that takes me to the second point, that "whoever said something..." I guess it was me but it wasn't that what I said... I said when police do their job properly I'm with them no questions ask, you know the deal, to serve and to protect, but here it seems these people need someone else to protect them from the cops, regular people, is not like these are gang members or whatever... my uncle is a cop and I'm damn proud he's one impeccable officer, not like these abusive freaks with a badge... of course not all the cops are like these, but look for info about these kind of cases and you'll see there are many now, all over the US and even in some other countries like the UK... here in sweden, a couple of months ago, a girl and some friends were shooting some stuff for the tv in the centre of stockholm, then a cop in plain clothes came and asked what was she doing, she said she was just shooting some stuff, the guy told her to stop and when she said No, she wasn't doing anything wrong the cop hitted her in the face, and as usual, nothing happened to the cop, then again, police state.
and this argument reminded me to this... the cop scene at 6:00... I applaud this guy, to serve and to protect indeed :)

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I watch them cause I don't wanna be a moronic piece of danish shit like you are... now look at my avatar, that's my face right now, just after I called you a moronic piece of danish shit :)
What's with all the politics and police bullshit in the funn-eh pictures thread? Every time one officer fucks up, whether they have a good or bad history all police get a bad rap for it.

What's the point in watching videos just for the sake of becoming outraged? One cop slapping a woman in the face for interfering with an arrest does not mean suddenly the whole country is becoming a police state, that's just narrow. Sure he went overboard and acted like an asshole, but one person's actions do not speak for the 95% of police that are regular guys doing their jobs. What kind of retarded debate is this?

Funny pictures are required!!