Gadlor is at my house


sweet bitching
Jan 9, 2002
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
But he couldn't finish his breakfast this morning :eek:

So yeah I picked him up from the bus station at 7 a.m. and it turns out I can't even go with him to the show tonight. Basically he'll be running around Toronto by himself :(

Are you guys jealous

ps. I might post pics if I think you all deserve it
:cry: It's true. These big manly canadian breakfasts, they are too much for my puny 130-lb frame.

But I am going to green carnation! and maybe maybe maybe if it rains gums, o canadian stereotype (note: he has said eh at least once today, and he wore a flannel thingy when he came and picked me up) will get to come along as well.

updates, on the hour, here at gums hq in canada! :eek:

Gums, Destroyer of Worlds, is subdued by a fragile yet beautiful waistline wrapped in a borknagar shirt. plus a bat. and a rubber chicken with no legs.
I'd go too, but I'd probably have to swim there.

By the way, Gadlor has left, and I'm sad. But I can fondly remember the memories.. especially him MISSING THE CONCERT mwahahahh! :devil: But yes, it was fun and I would highly recommend visiting me.
Gums said:
especially him MISSING THE CONCERT mwahahahh! :devil:
Holy shit, that sucks quite a bit. And I know because the same thing happened to me yesterday. Was gonna see Exodus and 3 Inches of Blood in Brooklyn, but after driving almost an hour there I found out that the venue not only cancelled the show without telling me, but WENT OUT OF BUSINESS without telling me.
Haha. It wasn't bad (in fact it was quite awesome) - hanging out with Gums is quite the treat. I got free food, a free shirt, a free pillow, the chance to hear a Canadian speak with a very slight accent (and say 'eh' and 'you know' quite a few times) and talk about all these random things and be very sleep deprived.

actually, i think it would be really cool if some peoples wanted to meet up at sometime. gums said he would enjoy coming down at some point once he's done with school - which is may. and i know froosch lives pretty close to me. perhaps we can ship out sean with us as well.

you can all watch me run silly track events! :eek::eek::eek:
Yeah that would be awesome like no other. I know there's a bunch here from Europe that likely couldn't make it, but ya never know. Alpha Templar is nearby, and I think Bella would come too. And there's gotta be more Americans..
neal and F_V could split costs and come up together. I'd be willing to help pay for you California bastards to come if it ever came down to it.
All I can say is it's a neat experience and the memories would last a long time. Escaping daily rigors is nice too :kickass:
Froosch, how long would it take you to get to hoboken? And when's school let out for you? You too, Alphatemplar (school letting out, that is).

Perhaps we can see if there are any cool concerts around the summertime as well. Or get Gums to play guitar / everyone just jam on something! He refused to play for me. :puke:
Haha...but he can play the Only for the Weak solo! :p

Anyway, yup, I'd be down definitely. Summer is coming up (in 8 months)!. If it means that I get to watch Gaddy run track, than you can count me in 10 fold :eek:
Gadlor said:
Froosch, how long would it take you to get to hoboken? And when's school let out for you?

Hmm... Probably not more than an hour. School doesn't get out for winter until a day or two before Christmas, but if I'm visiting you at college, "visiting colleges" is considered an excused absence. In fact I'm getting out of school tomorrow to go see Rutgers.

Which I'm pretty sure just made this plan about 486.32 times more sweet.
23rd thru the 8th. The hard part will be convincing my parents y'all aren't internet-stalker people out to rape me with a banana.

On second thought, what is gums doing with those bananas?
AlphaTemplar said:
23rd thru the 8th. The hard part will be convincing my parents y'all aren't internet-stalker people out to rape me with a banana.

On second thought, what is gums doing with those bananas?

Also a proposed problem (not the raping... ok that too). Than again I'm 21 so it's really my choice but I don't think I'd have too much support haha.
Well, since I already know gums, and i am your cousin, hopefully your parents will trust my awesome judgment :err:

as for f_v...just tell your parents what the border patrol was blatantly thinking when gums came to get me! 'gay sexxxxxxxx!!!'

constructively, though, maybe we can find a point where i have both a track thingy + a concert in nyc. my roommate and i will both be staying at my school during the summer doing research and taking classes, and he's a cool cat and welcomes me to invite anyone and everyone because it is evidently boring as shit here during the summer.
Final_Vision said:
Haha...but he can play the Only for the Weak solo! :p

:lol::lol: I don't remember ever telling you about that, but it's especially funny that you mention it since I was showing Gadlor my powertab thingy for it but I refused to play..

Gadlor and Alpha.. you really cousins?

And ya, for those of you who've never crossed the border into Canada before, they ask you a bunch of questions about who you are and why you're crossing and stuff.. and when I was picking up Gadlor in Buffalo the guy was like "so how do you know this guy?" and I said I met him on the internet. They definitely thought I was gonna play with his naked bumbum.

And where the hell is Aborted Fetus? Isn't he from like Georgia or something? And isn't that IcedEarth guy from the States too? :err:
Yeah. He's been my cousin ever since my father's brother's wife had him. Though the family resemblance is a little weak - he's got blonde hair and is uberaryan and I'm brunette / frenchie through and through.
Gums said:
:lol::lol: I don't remember ever telling you about that, but it's especially funny that you mention it since I was showing Gadlor my powertab thingy for it but I refused to play..

Haha...I don't remember when either, but it stuck to my mind for some reason. I think it might've been around that time I showed you that atrocious cover of In Flames - Bullet Ride that I did like 2 years ago, haha.

:lol: Did they just look at you two with a raised eyebrow or what? What would they think if 5-6 guys came to the border with the same answer...we'd all get shot in the face and thrown in a ditch ('cause Canada hates gays!).