Genres and Subgenres in music

-core is has been around for a long, long time. just like any other genre is has to evolve. There for the idea of hardcore is going to change. I ca a ton of hardCORE punk bands that still retain that same hellbound underground sound that influences a certain little band known has Darkthrone. You can be stupid and claim anything related to core is garbage but lets not forget Terrorizer,Repulsion and Napalm Death.
ive never really put grindcore in with any of that other core shit
I don't care about associations, I care about the way the music sounds. And the music sounds homosexual. IMO.

Just out of curiosity, do you like grindcore bands that have close ties to death metal (a la Repulsion, Terrorizer, Napalm Death, Assuck, etc.)?
You know this thread has been well and trully bolloxed.

Here's one for yah:

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I also hate when people pigeon hole themselves into listening to very very specific genres. I once met a metalhead who only listened to "viking death metal".

Also while we're discussing genres, whats the root genre of grind? Because I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as grind metal, just grindcore, goregrind, and deathgrind (maybe a few others I forgot). I used to think it was just a modifier attached to other genres (like progressive, avant-garde, brutal, technical, melodic) but then goregrind wouldn't make sense, unless there's an implied genre in there. Also what defines it, cause right now I mainly rely on the vocal style to distinguish it.
Radiohead aren't post-rock,

I made a "tag" list on a long time ago which is basically my interpretation (mainly based in objectivity) on what typifies certain genres.

For instance:

black metal: Metal music focusing on an "evil", cold, and detached sound achieved through generally poor production value and other techniques solitary to the genre. The definition of black metal tends to vary from person to person, but the defining characteristics of most black metal bands are tremolo-picked guitar phrases, very little technicality in terms of songwriting, and usually screamed vocals.

This was my entry for grindcore:

grindcore: Punk-influenced and politically-motivated, grindcore is music that hates the system and isn't afraid to say it. With socially-charged themes, hardcore fury, and metal feeling, grindcore is music of the disillusioned youth. It tends to be fast and uncompromising, blending the whirlwind speed of old-school hardcore with metal riffs and vocals.

Here it is in case you feel like reading more.
I also hate when people pigeon hole themselves into listening to very very specific genres. I once met a metalhead who only listened to "viking death metal".

Also while we're discussing genres, whats the root genre of grind? Because I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as grind metal, just grindcore, goregrind, and deathgrind (maybe a few others I forgot). I used to think it was just a modifier attached to other genres (like progressive, avant-garde, brutal, technical, melodic) but then goregrind wouldn't make sense, unless there's an implied genre in there. Also what defines it, cause right now I mainly rely on the vocal style to distinguish it.

Grindcore, often shortened to grind, is an evolution of crust punk..Extreme Noise Terror for example