Getting baked before work

I'd just like to mention that I think I'm making some good points and doing a good job of bridging the gap between die-hard anti-potheads and potheads, and, well, not many people have responded to my posts, so PAY ATTENTION TO ME GODAMMIT! :lol:
Most of the problems I've had in the studio have been with people who are habitual stoners who claim that weed helps them concentrate (if they're concentrating, it's on something entirely other than the click track.) I agree 100% with James Murphy on this subject.
mike... your position is weeeaaak. and you'll sadly probably never know why it is. you just won't ever get it. and that's fine... carry on. I know plenty of pot smokers that are successful engineers, but none of them do it while working (without eventual consequences anyway), at least not until the session is winding down for the day, with all the main goals for that day's session accomplished. it's as much a matter of perception as it is actual problems.

if your rep gets around that you're the "party" engineer that starts off sessions with a bake-fest... then eventually your word-of-mouth rep will probably end up getting you mostly bands that want to smoke out more than anything else.... that'll suck for you, whether you can handle your pot or not.

to the OP, yeah. pretty sure the majority that are criticizing pot-smoking during sessions have tried it, or even smoked it for years, or still do... it is 2009, and we're talking about musicians and/or metalheads here, by and large.
wow. there are some awfully judgemental people here. getting f'ed up is getting f'ed up no matter what you use. some people like it some people don't. to each his/her own.
wow. there are some awfully judgemental people here. getting f'ed up is getting f'ed up no matter what you use. some people like it some people don't. to each his/her own.

It's not about liking it or not. It's about people claiming they can do everything just as well when they're high as when they're sober.
Maybe the can do the things they've listed "good enough" for the situation they described, but there's a big difference between good enough and just as good as sober.

Personally I couldn't see doing it before a session, or any other kind of work.

If I was doing more playing and writing, I can maybe see doing it before a writing session, but definitely not before a performance or recording session.

I know plenty of people who do it every five minutes and see to function just fine, some that do it and suck at life all together.

To each their own. I don't really give a fuck what anyone else does. The ones that do it and show no negative effects do amaze me though. :D
Listen, James does have a point. Honestly I had not thought of it that way before and that puts things into a different perspective.

That definitely makes me rethink how I do things with recording clients. I smoke before going to my day job all the time, the owner and others can't tell and I'm in a different situation, plus I do it privately in my vehicle on the way there. But with project clients I think I may be a little more restricted with from now on, taking your advice into consideration. I may do the private toke before they arrive like with regular work, heh.
Weed calms me down, and makes me happy..

That's because the cannibis is engaging the cannibanoid receptors in your brain, which in turn reduce the flow of electrons through your brain, which probably gives you the feeling that everything is functioning normally, and maybe even makes you feel awesome, but, those feelings probably come from the fact that your brain is discarding loads of information, due to the reduced functionality caused by the reduced signal transmission.

It's kinda like running your dual core CPU as a single core for a while. You can still get things done, but it's not ideal.

I recently watched a documentary on cannabis and never knew our brains had these cannabinoid receptors. I found it pretty interesting, given that I smoked full-time for about 10 years, and gave up cold turkey about 7 years ago.
It's kinda like running your dual core CPU as a single core for a while. You can still get things done, but it's not ideal.

No offence dude but that was fucking retarded.

I've recorded some full lengths and ep's while smoking every 1-2 hours or so. Not a bongfest of 3 bowls everytime but the occasional joint or two. Keeps people's nerves cooled down. Tracking 4 guitars per songs for a 35 min album can be fucking stressing, especially with a time limit.

An example of a good smoking experience while working was when we were recording some doom. Smoked some green from the bong and we were in the mood for some slowness. It keeps the long songs interesting. Editing is also a lot more fun stoned. Editing tom tracks and guitar breaks etc that is.

Don't go overboard
there's a reason they call it dope. it makes you a dope.
calmed down and concentrated. nah all it does is make you spaced out and retarded. Its just a excuse people use to try to convince people it is ok they are on drugs. Perhaps you need to lay off the mountain dew, coffee and sugar then you would be calmed down. Maybe you have other underlying issues that need addressed. drugs just mask the problem. I really hate when people use excuses for being on drugs. Just come to terms with your issue and admit you have no will power and like to perpetuate the issues that enhance your insecurities. perhaps youre just young and havent grown up yet.
pot here (not the drug)....
smoke all u want whatever...........fell free to do want u want with your life, but be prepared to assume the consequences, because they exist may one not realise it at the time...the thing is that some people handle it better than others, but make no mistake: everything u do affects u, if u feed badly your health will deteriorate....etc
i´ve had my share of years puffin away, various times a day from morning to dawn and can safelly say that it influences u as person.
u know what, life is funny....i quitted smoking tobacco 3 months ago (got a child in the house now:p)!!!
(i´ve quitted drugs for a couple of years now and if i could go back i probably would of smoked a wee bit lesser:rolleyes:) and when i think of the money spent...geeeeesssssssssusssss:ill::zombie:
no Keessi, actually his entire statement and his analogy were pretty accurate. doesn't mean you should stop what you're doing.. no one is trying to control you... but that doesn't make his statement wrong:

this from the National Institute of Drug Abuse:

"THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, kicking off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the “high” that users experience when they smoke marijuana. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none. The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement.

Not surprisingly, marijuana intoxication can cause distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, and problems with learning and memory. Research has shown that marijuana’s adverse impact on learning and memory can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drug wear off. As a result, someone who smokes marijuana every day may be functioning at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time."

and the following from Neurotoxicology and Teratology 2001 Sep-Oct; vol 23 pp. 437-43 Frontal lobe dysfunction in long-term cannabis users by Lundqvist T, Jonsson S, Warkentin S. of the Division of Medical Neurochemistry, Lund University Hospital, 221 85, Lund, Sweden:

"One reason for the decreased IQ and memory in consistent heavy users
could be the fact that long-term cannabis use has been found to
decrease blood flow to the front areas of the brain."

not all necessarily true... though it probably is... but it at least goes to show that his statement is based on research of people far better equipped and credentialed to make such assertions than anyone in this forum, and far from "retarded".
there´s a time and a place
there´s a bit and there´s too much
the virtue/balance is in the middle

we are responsable for our own actions
No offence dude but that was fucking retarded.

I've recorded some full lengths and ep's while smoking every 1-2 hours or so. Not a bongfest of 3 bowls everytime but the occasional joint or two. Keeps people's nerves cooled down. Tracking 4 guitars per songs for a 35 min album can be fucking stressing, especially with a time limit.

An example of a good smoking experience while working was when we were recording some doom. Smoked some green from the bong and we were in the mood for some slowness. It keeps the long songs interesting. Editing is also a lot more fun stoned. Editing tom tracks and guitar breaks etc that is.

Don't go overboard

What was retarded about it? It's a pretty truthful analogy.

I normally wouldn't buy into this type of discussion, but I think I have some perspective to contribute given the amount of time I smoked for, and the amount of time since I've given up.

I've been playing in bands for 15 years or so (mostly baked myself mind you) and everytime I hear someone say "it keeps my nerves down" or "it helps me relax" or "i'll get into it more" it makes me laugh. I feel like if you need to physically alter your mental state in order to enjoy something, or just to relax or "focus" more, than you've got other issues than just substance abuse.

I'm not trying to have a go at pot-heads, even though i give my dope abusing mates a hard time on a regukar basis. I know that loads of ppl smoke it every day for all diferent reasons, and probably function better than most of the regular folk I have to deal with everyday, but if you can perform well when your stoned, imagine how good your performance would be if you weren't stoned? It's a no-brainer really.
quoting anything from the national institute of drug abuse on a subject pertaining to drugs is like quoting tipper gore when talking about heavy metal.

to each his own. quit having such a strong opinion about what other people put into their bodies. some of us partakers of the herb are doing just fine.
everytime I hear someone say "it keeps my nerves down" or "it helps me relax" or "i'll get into it more" it makes me laugh

what if i just told you that i smoke it because i like it?