Gigantour 2008; Megadeth, Children of Bodom, etc. confirmed

Job For a Cowboy is actually okay... take a listen to their Doom EP, and tell me again that they have "no talent in writing real music" (:rolleyes:).

Also, they're not grind, they're death-core. Learn the genres before you tell people to check out another supposedly similar band.

Deathcore is the faggotry ruining metal today, even moreso than Metalcore.
I am so glad Bodom will tour through europe in autmn (what I read on the first page at least :u-huh: ) so... I hope this is true!! I am looking forward to a gig in VIENNAAAAA! ;) Hey guys do you hear meeee? :Shedevil:
Cheers Sirius!
Saw Gigantour last night
High on Fire and Job For A Cowboy sucked hard, and has anyone ever noticed what the JFAC vocalist does with his arm, for like the whole set? He'll like point out at the crowd, raise it up and whip it back down, or something to that extent. It's like the same thing the whole time.

Anyway, Bodom put on a good show, I think Alexi actually missed one of his vocal cues at the start, so they basically replayed the beginning without stopping - almost looked like it was planned, so good recovery there.
It was my first time seeing In Flames, but they did awesome. There weren't as many people that were into them as Bodom, but they rocked the house anyway.
I honestly didn't have that high of hopes for Megadeth after seeing slayers Unholy Alliance tour. When Slayer came to Houston the show was actually pretty poor, but Megadeth showed me that just cause they're the old legends, they can still shred and headbang like the best of them. They are really on top of their game.

Also, it took an extra hour and half waiting around by the tour buses, but I managed to get Peter Iwers, Anders Friden, Alexi and Roope all to sign my arm. I was only able to shake Chris Broderick's hand as he was leaving, though.
Fuckin badass show.
That's awesome man. I'd love to meet Alexi and Roope, is gigantour still doing that "buy the CD then go get it signed by the band" deal that they usually do every year? Also was the setlist still the same for Bodom?
I'm going to see Bodom WAY later tonight (its 1:42 AM here) at the Gigantour in Atlanta. I have to drive 8-10 hours, but should be worth it since I've been a long time fan, but missed them since they've been to Florida in 2004 I believe. I'll let you know how it is, and FINALLY let some people know if they do the sweet Meet and greet that Gigantour usually does for the bands there. Should be awesome! :kickass:
Found these clips of CoB performing Blooddrunk and Hellhounds at Gigantour:
(the audience sucks!)


I saw Bodom last night in Atlanta. They put on a pretty fantastic show... I was even a bit surprise. Alexi's and Roope's guitar tone sounded awesome, better than the blooddrunk album and WAY better than their previous live tones heard on Stockholm Knockout Live, and HCDR and AYDY live era stuff... They still might be using the same settings and amp, but it just sounded... so much better last night for some reason. I managed to squeeze up to the 2nd row right behind the barrier, as it got pretty unbelievably tight, a couple people even were lifted out over the barrier because they couldn't take it or something. Alexi was pretty sober from what I saw and delivered a very clean performance with no real errors from what I saw... and I was right in front of him and Roope. Roope was awesome as well as the rest of the guys. Janne though was the only one who seemed to look like he was just going through the motions. Did step off stage to get some beers quite a few times :lol: I don't know, but he still delivered a great performance and looked great playing his duel leads with Alexi, both of them singing them from the mouth as well. Pretty great over all performance from Children of Bodom. This guy next to me took a lot of pictures and I asked him to send some to me, so maybe I'll have some in a few from my show. The only thing I missed out on was perhaps meeting the band AFTER the show, as I had to make my 10 hour drive home back to Florida, which I just got home. There were some fans lining outside their bus but I didn't see them come out. I also missed out on buying a COB beanie because the guy said they were all sold out... if anyone feels like picking one up for me let me know and I'll pay you back right away of course ;). I really wish I could have met the guys and maybe got them to sign anything, that'd be real nice, but most of all just hang out with them. Although the band Mastodon was there at Gigantour just hanging out like everyone else and I hanged out with them and talked to them a bit, very cool guys! :rock: My friend who drove up with me didn't have a ticket so he was outside by the side, but how it was setup you could see the whole show for free and he was right by all the buses so he saw and met all the bands walking to and from the stage. He said Alexi wouldn't sign any autographs on his way FROM the stage though, I thought that was funny. Pretty good show though.