North American tour with LOG, As I Lay Dying, ..

Thank you for all who have posted the info & vid about Alexi's conditions here. I watched the vid but it broke my heart so much to see him in such a pain, I couldn't watch it twice. He played about 10 shows since the accident and it must have been long and agonizing 2 weeks for him, I'm sure... What a fighter. But seeing him pushing to his limit like this really makes me worry about possibility of long lasting or permanent damages he may have to suffer.

I, too, think it's good that he is now taking a break he deserves. I really hope sleeping and resting at home instead of on a tour bus will help him heal faster.
emo :Shedevil: Alexi's supposed to be tough, so don't break your heart.

I do think Alexi is tough, too, mentally. But maybe not so tough physically considering all the bone-breaking and vomitting eposides we all know. I only wish he could start taking better care of himself like eating better (more calcium!), drinking less, and using a bottom bunk in a tour bus from now on!

Jaska can fall off of a top bunk so many times without getting hurt enough to affect his performance, but not our little Allu.:(
Get well Alexi :) It was the best decision to break off, must be tough to play with a broken shoulder and inner bleeding :/ I hold him in high esteem:worship:
just posted on home page:

Official press release May 11th 2009


Award-winning Finnish heavy metal band CHILDREN OF BODOM was forced to cancel its remaining live dates as part of the “No Fear Energy Tour” with Lamb of God due to injuries sustained by guitarist and front man Alexi Laiho. Laiho, 30, broke his shoulder two weeks ago when he was ejected from his tour bus bunk after the vehicle took a sharp turn. Laiho and CHILDREN OF BODOM are touring North America in support of the band’s critically acclaimed album Blooddrunk. The axe slinger was recently named as the world’s "Best Metal Guitarist" in the 15th annual Guitar World reader’s poll.

Against recommendation, Laiho had decided to “bite the bullet” and remain on tour, wearing the arm in a sling to restrict movement at all times when he was not on stage. But after performing ten live dates with both the broken shoulder and internal bleeding, the toll became too much for the guitar hero to endure and CHILDREN OF BODOM made the decision to cut its current tour short, placing Laiho’s long-term health as its first priority.

“After the New York show (on May 9) I knew it was going to be over,” commented Laiho in an official statement. "During the 3rd song I started feeling like someone was stabbing me in my lungs, my heart and my ribs. That was the kind of pain that neither stubbornness, painkillers, nor alcohol could alleviate. I wanted to try to keep going but after seeing a second doctor in Philadelphia, I was basically told that I could fuck myself up for life if I don’t stop playing. Against all recommendation, I have played and sang for the last 10 days in violent pain which has only made my condition worsen. So, I decided to listen to everyone around me, who were telling me the best thing to do would be to go home and get some proper rest and give my shoulder some time to heal.

"This was a hard decision for me and I feel bad about it,” he continued. “But it is the right thing to do if I want to keep making music. I apologize to our great fans for not being there for the remaining shows and I want to thank all the guys from the other bands; Lamb of God, As I Lay Dying, God Forbid and Municipal Waste for backing me up on this. Most of all I want to thank our fans for still being there, showing support, and continuing to rock out with me! I promise I will be back and I hope you all will too! Horns up!”

After a few weeks rest, Children Of Bodom will start their European summer festival run on May 30th from Rock Hard Festival 2009 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. All summer festival dates will go down as planned and remain unaffected by Alexi's injury!
props to alexi to being prudent and actually listening to his doc! :)

a few weeks on oxycodone in his own bed sounds like just the ticket for recovery!
dude's in weak physical condition. he shouldn't be getting injured so easily. he needs to lighten up on the drinking, start getting proper nutrition and some exercise. why can't people take better care of themselves?
dude's in weak physical condition. he shouldn't be getting injured so easily. he needs to lighten up on the drinking, start getting proper nutrition and some exercise. why can't people take better care of themselves?

lighten up the drinking: not gonna happen. he's too addicted to it.
start getting proper nutrition: at least get out of the states with only hamburgers :)
some exercise: it's not enough to run around on stage every night?
He said he isn't making it any worse by playing yet it isn't helping it to heal any faster either. Still sore but bearing through it, will rest when the tour is over.


This picture outlines his problem perfectly...
In general: Oh my god. Seriously please shut the fuck up! You know nothing about Alexi! You've probably never met him before and you wont get to know him closer. All the shit you can do is to throw some allegations in the room about someones private life and you do this as these were facts.

dude's in weak physical condition. he shouldn't be getting injured so easily. he needs to lighten up on the drinking, start getting proper nutrition and some exercise. why can't people take better care of themselves?
yeah this might be the reason why soccer players get injuries. How much do you know about his physical condition? Nothing?
Are you one of Alexi's parents who decides what is right and what is wrong?

I love Alexi but I do think he has an alcoholism problem.
read my first statement.

If they all went swimming with Henkka and drank only at weekends, they'd feel much better.
This leads to the question: How do they feel know? And if you answer this questions it'll lead to the question: How do you know?

This picture outlines his problem perfectly...
Yeah i always thought that wearing a chain necklace will lower you personal Karma.

(Hell, i'm not even angry at the moment. it would be nice to read the if I was in an angry mood ;).)

I always wondered why didnt do the others the vocals? Okay Roope's and Henkka's voices are different to Alexi's but for the moment it would have been easier. Or ask Randy Blythe (or how his name was).
In general: Oh my god. Seriously please shut the fuck up! You know nothing about Alexi! You've probably never met him before and you wont get to know him closer. All the shit you can do is to throw some allegations in the room about someones private life and you do this as these were facts.

yeah this might be the reason why soccer players get injuries. How much do you know about his physical condition? Nothing?
Are you one of Alexi's parents who decides what is right and what is wrong?

read my first statement.

This leads to the question: How do they feel know? And if you answer this questions it'll lead to the question: How do you know?

Yeah i always thought that wearing a chain necklace will lower you personal Karma.

(Hell, i'm not even angry at the moment. it would be nice to read the if I was in an angry mood ;).)

I always wondered why didnt do the others the vocals? Okay Roope's and Henkka's voices are different to Alexi's but for the moment it would have been easier.

Lol I mean it's pretty clear he likes alcohol a bit to much open your eyes. I love CoB and I'm not bashing Alexi or anything, he's someone I hold very high but open your eyes