North American tour with LOG, As I Lay Dying, ..

Whose gonna be at Roseland Ballroom in NYC tomorrow!? I can't wait!!!! I hope alexi's shoulder feels better and he shreds which I'm sure he would do either way!!!
He said he isn't making it any worse by playing yet it isn't helping it to heal any faster either. Still sore but bearing through it, will rest when the tour is over.

no,no,not good for him to drink! Don't mix painkillers and alcohol!!!

haha yeah that shit fucks you uppppp. if he's living off of painkillers and alc every day his liver is going to be sooo fucked up when he's done touring. thats like the one thing you aren't supposed to do haha.
Just got back from seeing them at roseland ballroom in NYC...their set was realllllly short and I was disappointed. The couple of songs they did play fuckin rocked though!!!
It wasn't good news in K-man's twitter in this morning :(

I really hope that Aleksi doesn't do any permanent damage to his shoulder and it's good to stop playing if it hurts too much. Altough it's kind of scary to hear that he had to give up, because he rarely does so.

Edit: and I agree with sleeper below.