North American tour with LOG, As I Lay Dying, ..

Internal bleeding is very serious.I only hope he will be alright.

Internal bleeding is really pretty dangerous..

where the hell do you see anything about internal bleeding? :lol:
I mean seriously guys calm down, he probably just cracked his shoulder a bit... he just fell out of a goddamn bunk, you can actually hardly break any bones by that, not to mention internal bleeding :Smug:
dont know he managed to do that again btw :lol:

he is gonna be ok, he can still move his arm properly and stuff, though he is on painkillers... if he is not going to drink a bottle of jd while being on painkillers, he should be aliright^^
R34p3r said:
where the hell do you see anything about internal bleeding?

Xanina said:
"Four nights ago I fell out of my bunk in the tour bus and came down pretty damn hard as the driver was taking a sharp turn. It turns out I have a broken shoulder as well as internal bleeding. I am going through a great deal of pain every second that I am awake. However, I can still play the guitar and I will give everything I have to try to finish this tour and play every remaining show! I would just like to apologize in advance for not being able to move around or sing with my full power at all times and I hope the COB fans understand. What can I say? I'm jinxed! End of story. See you out there."

where the hell do you see anything about internal bleeding? :lol:

as happilemon just posted, plus cobhc homepage, today:

Alexi's statement regarding his injury 05 May 2009
"Four nights ago I fell out of my bunk in the tour bus and came down pretty damn hard as the driver was taking a sharp
turn. It turns out I have a broken shoulder as well as internal bleeding.
See the internal bleeding gave me the feeling that it was a bad idea to continue. Doctors generally do not go for that sort of thing and it makes me wonder what doctor would clear that. Internal bleeding is serious no matter what. People die because of it. I would love to know what part of the body is bleeding, that could be the determining factor. If it is just like the shoulder muscle is bleeding, then there is a muscle tear, whatever. Internal bleeding also corresponds to bruising, when you get a bruise, its internal bleeding, but on a minor scale. But if i major organ is bleeding, that generally requires surgery to repair the damage. The internal bleeding could be what is causing him to not be able to sing if it is concerning one of the organs in his chest. Whatever it is, I hope it does not end badly. From what bodombitchterror said, Alexi went to sleep right after the show was done, which is a good thing. Sleep does help the body repair itself. If he is keeping the arm in a sling and sleeping most of the day and night, then he is doing the best that he can for himself in order to stay on tour. K-man says he is doing better and perhaps the sleep is helping with that tremendously. It will be interesting to see what happens when the tour is done. If I get to talk to anyone during the NYC show, I will ask whatever questions I can get away with. I try to stick away from asking about other COB members or COB things in general, but I will try. Just 3 more days, I'll try to get some answers for you because I'm worried now too.
Thanks xanina - would be really great if you could manage to get some answers.
Where do you know that medical stuff btw, do you study something like that? Just curious.
I have a friend in med school, another friend whose dad is a doctor and I just like to learn things on my own I suppose. Most of what is on television shows like ER and Grey's Anatomy, at least medically, is true. They have doctors as part of their staff to make sure everything is as realistic as possible. So I watch those shows as well and I just read up on stuff in my very little spare time. I also currently have no health insurance so I try to look up stuff as much as possible if I don't feel good to see if i really should spend the $200 to go to the doctor.
Never saw these, but considering that most TV stuff is pure crap atm it´s nice to know that it actually IS possible to learn something by watching TV ;)
^ I agree, that is rather worrying - it doesn't make any sense to risk his health, however much he is to be admired
for carrying on with the tour for the fans

This is exactly how I feel.

Most of what is on television shows like ER and Grey's Anatomy, at least medically, is true. They have doctors as part of their staff to make sure everything is as realistic as possible.

Don't forget about Scrubs! XP

^Dude I learned the English language in 6 months when I was 12 by watching a soap opera when I was living abroad.

Incredible. Haha.
I've taken Spanish courses before, but unless I'm frequently practicing I tend to lose things. My mother LOVES watching Spanish soap operas. I watched so many last fall that I revamped my Spanish skills all over again. Of course I'm also Portuguese so its not that hard to pick up, but there are a lot of differences, so sometimes I still confuse myself as to what I'm supposed to say.

ok....back to creating the cheat sheet for my final
What makes me kinda unhappy is this:
"Against recommendation, Laiho has decided to remain on tour and will “bite the bullet” to give metal fans the electric live performances they have come to love from the Finnish act. ..."
That part is added at the myspace-blog.
I´d prefer reading something like "doctors confirm that he can still go on", not the opposite :erk:

Yeah thats just plain stupid ! :hypno: I say quit it n get it fixed, so we at least can see them next year.
"bite the bullet" ppfff cmon !! :mad:

If its against recommendation it isn't smart yeah but dropping off would be pretty bad so i can see where they're coming from. This is a hugely commercial tour and is a great opportunity to move up to the next level here in the USA so dropping off would really really suck, hopefully it doesn't make things worse though.
I don't know, but I think most part of charges is paid by LOG as main act. And when COB quit the Tour it won't be that expensive cause the gigs anyway take place without COB.
But it would be quite disappointing for the fans who only came for COB.

Sorry for my English.
It's up to Alexi. Will he stand the thousands of disappointed faces and people saying he's pathetic, or just endure with the pain and get people saying he's cool to do it anyway.
Yeah well I remember when I bought tickets for a Van Halen gig 5 months in advance only to be told 2 days before the gig that they cancelled coz the drummer broke his fcking arm !! I was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT !!!!!1 :hypno::waah::waah::waah::OMG: :ill:
I've taken Spanish courses before, but unless I'm frequently practicing I tend to lose things. My mother LOVES watching Spanish soap operas. I watched so many last fall that I revamped my Spanish skills all over again. Of course I'm also Portuguese so its not that hard to pick up, but there are a lot of differences, so sometimes I still confuse myself as to what I'm supposed to say...

Well, it was the only connection to the Western culture, so..
i went to the Chicago show. if anyone is going to any of the rest of the Lamb of God tour dates, don't expect Alexi to come hang out XD he went right to bed after the show. which i wasn't surprised. but Janne and Roope hung out with me for a while, i saw Jaska for 2 seconds, and i didn't see Henkka at all. 0.0

Janne's keyboard is the new home of my rainbow bra XD and i wrote a cute note to Alexi and Janne that was taped to it. and Janne said it made Alexi laugh when he read it, so i was happy about that. :]

he look like he was in pain most of the time he played though. :/ i really don't think he should be playing, but if he can handle it, then fine, props to him. :]

What did the note say?